Sonnys Screams

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I was in my room thinking about last night.

I wasn't going to smoke again unless I needed too. Well then that would make me need to smoke every day.

I got up out of bed thinking that it was just any normal day. But then I forgot father wants me dead. Or Maybe he thinks im dead.

Sonny is still asleep.

I walked out the room to find father sitting in the middle of the hallway. "Hello Ellie"

I didn't answer. I just walked past him to go out the door to find Mallory. Father dug his nails into my leg. I yelped a little but hit is hand.

"Get off me"

Father nodded slowly wondering why I was being so demanding. "Honey, I didn't want you dead I swear"

I tried to play dumb. "Who said you did?"

I walked out of the house stunned that I said that.


Mallory pushed me into the wall as I pushed her back. We both laughed until we cried. It was nice having a break from home.

Mallory slowly pulled out a flip phone out of her pocket. "I know its super crappy but you don't have one so...."

I took the phone and screamed, I didn't care if it was midnight. Mallory laugh, "it was twenty dollars, its not that big of a deal"

I Cant belive it, I have a phone.


I was on the roof fiddling with my new phone. It was awesome. I never had a phone before.

Before I could add a contact in for Mallory I heard screaming. I looked down to see Sonny with a gun held up against his head. The man holding the gun smiled and me and waved, " so your Ellie?"

I gulped and nodded slowly. He smiled again. "So this is your brother right...?"

I nodded again, not sure if I should of.

The man laughed and dropped the gun and started to beat up Sonny. My heart jolted so hard I jumped.

I didn't do anything. I just froze until my mind was up and working again and I felt something in just pocket. Its the knife I always keep with me. Im surprised I still keep it.

I took it out and looked at it. Sonny's screams got louder and I quickly closed my eyes and threw the knife. I covered my face and I heard no more screaming. I slowly uncovered my face to see the man lying dead as Sonny looked at me with his jaw wide open.


I told you that you didn't wan to miss this chapter! I heart was pounding when I was Writing this!!


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