Whatever You Do, Dont Look

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I fell to my knees and I gave Sonny a panicked look. Shock must of been the reason why I didn't feel it.

Sonny and Mallory ran towards me. I looked at it again, it wasn't all that bad, it was almost half way in, since father was so weak he couldn't get the knife in that far.

"We can pull it out right...?" Mallory asked, Sonny looked at her and shook his head, "I-i-i don't....know" he studdered.

He grabbed my hand and tried not to cry. But Mallory seemed a little more relaxed about the situation. "Listen Sonny, she is going to survive. Just have a conversation with her, keep her awake, she is in shock right now so she can't really feel it. If she starts bleeding out more take off your shirt and cover the wound. Im going to get Crystal."

She was right. I was in shock I couldn't feel a thing. Mallory ran out of the room.

Sonny looked down and didn't say anything. He was crying. I didn't want to say anything about it. I didn't want to say that he was squeezing my hand to tight either.

I kind of wanted to pull it out....

I didn't really want to talk so I signaled Sonny. I tugged on his shirt and I kept on tugging until he got the idea and took his shirt off. I put both of my hands on the knife and yanked it out. I screamed a little. It started to bleed, not as much as I thought it would.

Sonny quickly wrapped his shirt around me and after he tied it around me he put pressure on it.

Crystal and Mallory came running over. Crystal gasped, "Ellie Oh my gosh what happened?"

"She got stabbed" Mallory said, "but I think they just pulled the knife out....Sonny 911 is on there way "

Sonny stopped putting pressure on it and nodded. I wanted to say I was fine because I think I was, but I probably wasn't.

I looked in the corner where father was but he wasn't there. My eyes widened. "S-Sonny...."

Sonny darted his head at me, "what is it Ellie? Are you okay..?"

"Fathers gone"

Sonny looked at the corner where father was and gasped. "Crystal.... Mallory...get upstairs. Now. I'll bring Ellie up, you guys just-"

He was cut of by a sickening cough. I looked to where Sonny was looking to find Mallory with a knife in her throat.

I started uncontrollably kicking my legs trying to get up. And I did. I got up. Sonny's shirt was very tight on the wound so I had Control of what I was doing.

Mallory was already on the ground and I felt like falling again. Father was right behind her, about to grab Crystal until I picked up my knife and threw it like I threw it at the boy who was beating up Sonny.

I did what I did before. Covered my eyes. I covered my eyes for a good two minutes until I heard Crystal crying. I uncovered my eyes and found my knife in father's head.

Sonny got up and I turned around and hugged him. I started crying until the door busted open and police officers came running in.

Sonny's arms were still around me and Sonny picked me up and went up the stairs.

One of the police officers escorted us out of the house as I saw people carrying Jack, Essa, Father, and Mallorys body's. Sonny turned me around and put both of his hands on my shoulders, "whatever you do, don't look."

I nodded as one of the police officers took me out of Sonny's hands and put me on a bed in the ambulance. "What about Sonny? " I asked him, "you'll only be in the hospital for about three to four days, don't worry."

That didn't answer my question.



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