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I looked out the window as I watched the raindrops one by one. I wanted to go with choice three....suicide. I was just so confused.

I remember after Sonny got up this morning I closed and locked the door. He knocked on the door for a couple and minutes and then sat down. I think he has been there since.

I sat next to the door too. "Sonny? "

I heard Sonny gasp. "Ellie?! C-can I come in?"

I didn't really want anyone too. "Sonny can I ask you something?"

Sonny stayed silent. " What's the point of me living if no one wants me here?"

Sonny sighed. "Well that's crap. I need you and so does your little friend."

....I didn't tell Sonny that me and Mallory and Crystal were sisters.

I heard a text from my phone.

It was Mallory telling me to meet me on my roof.

"Sonny I have to go outside."

I heard him get up as I ran outside to the roof. She was already up there. I got up the ladder and sat next to her. "What's up?"

"My sister ran away"


"Her boyfriend went missing after he went to catch the guys who kidnapped her twice, I don't even know."

My heart was beating so fast I think I was going to pass out.

This is bad.



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