Hard Choice

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Sonny backed away slowly as I jumped of the roof. I walked up to the lifeless body of the man and took out my knife. I didn't say I word to Sonny. I put the bloody knife back in my pocket held both of his hands and dragged him into the house.

Sonny wasn't much help, he just stood there in total shock.

I shook my head and went inside and threw him down the basement. To be honest.....I didn't even want to know his name.

I slowly closed the door and turned around to see father. "What do you want..?" Father just smiled and shook his head. I heard him whisper "her first kill"

Im guessing he saw the whole thing.

I went back outside to get my cellphone and went back inside to go in my room. I slowly pulled out my phone but then put it back in my pocket. I pulled out the bloody knife and changed into Sweat pants.

I had three options now. One, I give myself up to the police.

Two, I go on with my life like it never happened.

Or three. Suicide.

I wasn't a fan of any of these choices. But I had to pick one. Its a hard choice.


Omg its soooooooo short you guys must HATE me.


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