Father And Daughter Fight

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"Guys, open the freaking door is Mallory in here?"

Its Crystal. How did she get in? Better question...where's father?

The door was unlocked and opened as Crystal spoke again, "Mallory...are you down here?"

All the sudden I heard Crystal get pushed and the door slammed shut. I heard it get locked again. I just realized crystals pregnant. Crap....

I grabbed Mallory's phone and looked for Crystal until I found her on the steps. "Crystal, its me Ellie, are you okay?" Crystal looked at me blankly and looked at her stomach. "Yea....I think so, is Mallory down here....What's going on?"

"My dad's gone crazy and locked us all down here....just follow me, she's down here."

Me and Crystal crawled near where Sonny and Mallory were. Mallory's face brightened up as she hugged Crystal. I crawled next to Sonny as he held my hand.

"Your pregnant? " Sonny asked.

Crystal nodded, " five months now"

"Are you okay?"

Crystal nodded. "Mallory, call 911 on your phone" I said.

Mallory nodded and was dialing the numbers until she got a call from Crystal. We all looked at Crystal as Crystal's jaw dropped.

"I-i dropped my phone when I fell...."

Mallory was trembling... but answered the phone.

"Listen.... Please let us go..."

"I know exactly where you are."

He hung up.

Mallory dropped her phone and looked at me with total shock. I turned to Sonny who was also in total shock. It seemed as if everyone was turning to me now.

" so what do we....how..." Crystal studdered, I gave everyone a terrified look and looked down. "How about we...just try to kill him..."

Sonny squeezed my hand harder. I flinched a little bit as he loosened up. "What else can we do? Mallory, call the cops, im going to find him okay?"

For once, Mallory nodded and tried to find her phone that she dropped. I stood up as everyone else looked up at me.

Sonny stood up too. I shook my head. "Stay with them. Crystals pregnant and Mallory's looking for her phone. Watch them and help Mallory. Please....."

Sonny paused for a moment and nodded slowly. I grabbed my knife and went strait into the killing room. I heard footsteps behind me and turned around. "Your so cute Ellie" he said smiling.

"Shut it"

He smiled. "Listen Ellie, I honesty don't know what happened, but I don't want to kill you"

I didn't speak.

Father shrugged and ran towards me with his knife. I moved over and dug my knife into his shoulder. He fell to his knees and punched me in the stomach... I didn't feel it though.

Father laughed and looked at my stomach. I kicked him and when I did, it hurt a lot. What the hell is wrong with me?

Sonny and Mallory ran over to me. Sonny and Mallory gave me a horrified look. I looked down and saw a knife sticking out of my stomach.




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