Screaming And More Screaming

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Sonny slapped me across the face. "Tell me you didn't do it" he screamed. I had no idea What he was talking about.

He started to cry as he dragged me down to the ground as he fell to his knees. "You didn't do it" He screamed again. I realized I was crying too. I was about to say something but no words came out.


I screamed and opened my eyes. Thank God it was a dream. It was about four in the morning and I realized I woke Sonny up.

"Are you okay?"

I nodded quickly as Sonny sat up in bed. I was about to say something but I realized Sonny had a horrified look on his face.

Sonny was looking strait at me as I looked down and saw drops of blood. I gave him a panicked look and ran to the bathroom.

I had a bloody nose, blood was literally pouring out. I calmed myself down and got a paper towel and washed my face.

I came out, Sonny was laying down on his bed now. He was Writing something. I didn't want to ask if it was another suicide note....

"What are you Writing?"

Sonny smiled a little bit. "A book"  I nodded.


"Its a book about a girl named Elizabeth"

I knew where this was going.

I nodded and went to bed.


I woke up again to the sound of screaming. Someone was crying, someone was laughing, and two people were just screaming.

I rubbed my eyes as my door bursted open. It was Jack.

"Close the door" I said as he slammed the door shut.

"She hit me Ellie, she freaking hit me"

I was a little Confused, why would Essa hit Jack....she hit me plenty of times but Jack's her brother.

Jack was furious now. He ran out of my room leaving me confused as hell.

"Everyone shut the hell up!" I heard Jack scream.

Everyone kept on screaming. This was a golden opportunity to call Mallory.

I called her.


"Mallory! Come over, im going to live with you!"

Mallory gasped, "awesome I'll be there"

Then I heard Jack scream again. "Everyone shut it!"

Everyone was silent.

"Okay, Sonny, shut up. Were taking Ellie, I don't care how you feel about her because she is my sister now. Essa, dont ever hit me again or i swear i will call the cops on you. And you....shut up"

Im guessing he meant that part to be for my father.

"Im waiting outside" Jack said.

My eyes widened. Mallory is probably there on the front porch. I grabbed my backpack which was still packed, and ran out the door. I didn't care who saw me.

I ran outside and saw Jack sitting on the steps. Mallory wasn't here yet. I went outside with my stuff. My phone rang. Jack looked at me an slightly smiled as I smiled back.

I answered the phone. It was Mallory.

"Hey dude im on the roof"

"Come on the porch."

Mallory hung up and a few seconds later Mallory ran up to me and gave me a hug. "Let's go Ellie!"

Jack looked at me in Confusion. But then nodded, he understood what was happening. I smiled but then realized I forgot something.


I wanted to say goodbye so bad. Maybe Father would think that im saying goodbye to Sonny because im leaving with Jack and Essa.

"I have to say goodbye to Sonny"

Mallory nodded as I walked in the house.

I walked in the kitchen to find only father and Essa.  "Wheres Sonny? "

Father and Essa both smiled. "Downstairs."

I screamed. "What? Why the hell would you do that? Are you going to kill him?"

Essa nodded a little but father slapped her arm.

"No, you can't do that. Im going to get him" I screamed.

Essa nodded. I Honestly didn't care. I shouldn't have screamed because Mallory and Jack ran into the house. "What the hell?" Jack said.

Mallory walked up to me and looked at father. "You know, its screwed what you two do. And its even more screwed that you locked up Ellie's brother"

Jack nodded as we all opened the door.

Then the lights went out.


The book has like three more chapters left.


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