Father would kill anyone

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Crystal just stood there and waited for an answer. Wait a minute....if im Mallory's sister that means Crystal is my sister....she is carrying my niece ....this is too much.

"Can you just go? Go on save yourself from this hell, save your freaken baby and stuff."

Crystal didn't move for a little bit. Then she went out.

Thank God she did because I heard a slam. Sonny's home. I got up the stairs. Thank God it was only Sonny. I didn't care where father was.

I ran up to him and hugged him really tight.

"I need to tell you something." He said.


We were on the roof for fifteen minutes and Sonny still hasn't said anything. Until now.

"Father told me to do something."

I looked down.

"Father found out....that you let Crystal go.....and he wants me to....Uh......you know "

I exactly knew. Im not a part of the "family" im adopted. Of course it would be easy to kill me off.

"Sonny please, I love you, without you I would be dead. You can't....please. "

Sonny blankly stared at me.

" Ellie....you stopped me from committing suicide....why would I kill you for father's pleasure..."

"It hurts to know father would kill me off"

"Father would kill anyone off for his pleasure Ellie"


Sorry this ones bad.


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