Sonny come back

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Why isn't Sonny or father home....

I don't know where they went.

Last time I saw them was when father hurt me. When we got into that fight....

I can't live without Sonny. I would kill myself without him. I need him.

I need Sonny more than he needs me. I sat down near the basement and cried. I wish I could call Mallory, if I had a phone.


Three hours? Where are they....I've checked everywhere except.....


Father wouldn't....

I opened the door and ran down the stairs to the basement. What I didn't find was Sonny and father, but what I did find was Crystal.

I don't know if she was dead or passed out.

I wasn't dragging her upstairs. I won't do that.

Insted I just waited her out.


I heard a cough, Oh my God a cough.

She slowly began to wake up.

"Oh my gosh its here again..."

"Yea....sorry. Just go out the hole again There's no point..."

"No point to what...?"

I rolled my eyes. I was in a terrible mood.

I just shook my head.

Sonny come back.

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