The End?

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So much questions I had. So much. I was in the car, I just got out of the hospital but now me and Sonny have no where to go.

We weren't allowed to go back in our old house. So where are we going? Who will I live with? Where's Crystal? Did I miss Mallory's funeral?

I sighed and moved around.

"Sonny where are we going...?"

Sonny looked at everything but me. "An apartment. "

I nodded.

My phone started ringing again. It was an unknown caller.

"Who is it?"

"Its an unkown caller, they've been calling since I was in the hospital."

"Well then see who it is, it might be Crystal or something."

Sonny was right, it might of been Crystal or someone else. I answered the phone.


"Hey Ellie! Nice to talk to you. That's the name your father gave you right? Ellie?"

"Who is this...."

"What? You don't recognize my voice?"

"No....who is this..."

"This is your mother."


Second book is called Sanity!


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