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"Non preoccuparti. (Don't worry.)" Ezio pats my shoulder with reassurance.

"E 'proprio cosi'... alto. (It's just so... high.)" I peer down over the edge of the cliff my brother begged me to dive from. The surface of the water reflected my little head many... many feet above from where it calmly splashed against the rocky base of the cliff.

"Non e 'cosi' alto. (It's not that high.)" Ezio slaps my back making me wobble, three stones drop off the edge and splash in the sparkling turquoise water below.

"Non farlo! Potrebbe non essere così alto per te perché l'hai già fatto prima, ma potrei morire! (Don't do that! It may not be that high for you because you've done it before, but I could die!)" I step back and grab my brothers wrist. "E ' questo che vuoi? Così si può ottenere più dessert dopo cena? (Is that what you want? So you can get more dessert after dinner?)" Shock flashes over his face. "Beh, se muoio quando mamma sa che sono con te... non ti permetterà mai più di avere il dessert! (Well, if I die when mum knows I'm with you... she'll never let you have dessert ever again!)"

"No!" He drops to his knees and begs with his hands clutched together.

"Che bambino. (What a baby.)" I taunt. Rising to his feet, Ezio smirked cheekily.

"Ho tre anni più di te, sei tu il bambino. (I'm three years older than you, you're the baby.)"

"Ma ti comporti come tale. (But you act like one.)"

"In questo momento, è il contrario. (Right now, it's the other way around.)" He raises his brows down at me and I look out towards the cliff.

"Ezio..." I choke on my words. I've jumped from balconies and small huts but never something this high... and I only just began learning how to swim, I couldn't do this.

With a firm hold, Ezio grips my shoulder. "Posso venire con te? (I can go with you?)" He offers.

"Veramente? (Really?)" I smile with optimism up at my brother.

"Se non vuoi andare da solo devo farti andare in qualche modo sai? (If you won't go alone I have to get you to go somehow you know?)" My smile drops as I glare at him instead.

"Vaffanculo. (Fuck you.)" I turn away towards the edge of the cliff. My white blouse and tight black pants causing sweat to bead on my skin from the hot Italiano sun. A dip in the water shouldn't be so bad? Only if it doesn't kill me...

I didn't look back at my brother before he appeared by my side only a few feet from the edge of where we were going to jump from. He has done this plenty of times, and he's completely fine... well, sort of. Sometimes I question his sanity... but he's Ezio, what do I expect? The boy that is always up to something mischievous, but the boy that is always there for me when others aren't. I hated him like every other sister hated their brother, but I knew my brother was special. Any other brother would force their sister to go find a man to marry, but my brother? My brother lets me live my life and be free, and he'd join me and be by my side at every corner. Just like now. He's here for me, even by the edge of a cliff, our toes sinking in the grass.

He was always there.

I felt a large hand wrap around my arm. Ezio. The wind, cold against my face. The water. I look to my right as we ran and dived over the edge. Ezio's brown hair. Bucky's brown hair. Ezio's smile before he let me go and the water engulfed our forms. The water—the water...

I jolt and look around, the sky wasn't a vibrant blue but it was a deep navy splattered with glowing white dots, the bright sun was nowhere in sight, the only source of light came from the large moon smiling down at me. There was no water and... there was no Ezio. There was only Bucky, his strong arms holding me close as we glided through the air, the static sound from the free fall had disappeared.

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