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"Hey." I jump from the voice behind me. Turning around I saw Bucky standing in the doorway with an amused grin.

"I guess you like creeping up on people." I chuckle and place my newly polished blades down on the empty desk in front of me before getting up from the—surprisingly comfortable—grey chair.

"That is my specialty." He cockily smirks and I roll my eyes.

"You need me for anything?" I question him, curious to why he was here. "Or did you just come to say hello?" I arch my brows and walk towards him.

"Everyone's out doing their own thing. I was wondering if you wanted to spar with me?" He rubs the back of his neck and I think for a moment.

"Sure. I'm ready to kick your ass." I strut past him and pause.

"Follow me." He laughs and leads the way to what I assumed would be the training area.

"You'll have to show me around sometime. Unless you have a map of the place." I joke and cross my arms.

"Don't worry. If you get lost I shouldn't be too far away." He smiles before his joyful expression disappears. "I'm kind of in charge of keeping you safe." He sighs and I elbow his shoulder.

"Shouldn't be too bad, I might just end up being the one keeping you safe." We both laugh and continue down the hallways. I could see my friendship with Bucky was growing and I couldn't help but feel contempt when I was around him. I hope he doesn't betray me as all my other friends did after the execution of my father and brothers; especially when I needed them most.

"You sure you wanna fight in that?" He looks at my shirt and I adjust the collar so it fits me better.

"I wore it the last time we fought, and I recall me doing very well." I point a finger at him and he smiles cheekily.

"Well, I recall you not beating me last time." He leans over and smirks, our faces only inches apart.

"Yeh, well..." I look away and frown, "I could've if I wanted to." I give him my best, innocent smile.

"Alright then." He readies himself to fight.

"I won't go easy on you this time." I nervously chuckle and stretch my limbs out. We circle one another with our fists held high ready to block if need be.

I leap forward and throw the first punch, he ducks leaving me an open window for a kick. He stumbles backwards and smiles. "Doing good. But not for long." He smirks devilishly and launches himself at me. I block his punches and dodge his kicks, but I got too cocky and missed a dodge ending up in me getting kicked in the chest and falling on my back. He lends a hand to me but I refuse to take it and stand on my own.

"The Borgia usually don't fight back," I pause and take a deep breath, "at least when they do they don't know how." I rub my neck and raise my shoulders hearing the stiffness in my back crack. Looking around I saw wooden sticks leaning against a wall. "Why don't we change it up a bit?" I grab two of the sticks and chuck one to Bucky. I've fought with spears and this was almost just like a spear, a little shorter almost like a sword and swords were my specialty.

I spin the stick around to get familiar with its length and weight. I slide my right foot across the ground and steady myself. He strikes first with so much force I felt the vibrations from the sticks colliding through my arms and down to my core. He flips the rod to hit my back but I duck and strike the back of his knees, he falls to the ground and attempts to trip me over.

I was winning. I had no doubts about that. He was trying his hardest but just couldn't keep up. I lost grip on my stick and watched it fly when Bucky hit it out of my hand, he thought he had me this time but he underestimated my skills. He swings the stick around to knock me off my feet but I flipped over top and kicked his hand up so I could grab it.

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