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I hear a knock at the doorway to turn around and see Bucky leaning against the wooden doorframe leading into the room. "I hope you like it. You shouldn't be staying too long." He looks around the room and I run my hand along a furry blanket draped over a grey chair shaped like an egg.

"It's fine, thank you." I smile gratefully. The room was clean with a large bed against one wall and a wooden table against another, the grey chair was tucked underneath making the oak pop with colour. The bright sun rays from outside gleamed through the windows along the far wall.

"There's some clothes in there if you ever need to change. But right now I need you to come with me." He points at a dresser with small trinkets perfectly placed on top.

"Ok." I walk behind him as he leads the way through the long hallways. On the way, I saw rubble scattered everywhere outside in large holes of dirt. "What happened here?" I stand at a window and watch as a group of people clean up.

"It was a few years ago, but it's nothing to worry about." He says calmly, I look up into his blue eyes before he continued walking. A large table in the middle of the room sat unfamiliar faces and some familiar. "Everyone, this is Y/N." Bucky pulls out a seat at the end of the table and gestures for me to sit.

"We need to act fast." An older man with dark skin says at the other end of the table. "Peter, are there any new updates on their location?" He looks to the boy who begins to tap the table, a picture of numbers pop up in thin air out of nowhere.

"I'm still working on where they are but they've already killed two more senates and I'm afraid they won't stop anytime soon." He waves his hand around at the floating picture, making more images slide in catching my attention.

"That's the emblem of the Brotherhood." I place both hands on the table and look closer.

"HYDRA's assassin's have been leaving this logo engraved into the floor next to all their victims." Peter nods his head and points to the images. I shake my head and sit back.

"We don't do that. Whoever these people are, they are not part of the Brotherhood." Everyone looks my way and I take a deep breath.

"No offence," The red—almost brown—haired girl from earlier holds her hand out to me and smiles before turning to look at the older man at the other end of the table, "if she says that they're not part of her... Brotherhood. Then why is she here?" My brows raised swiftly in shock but she wasn't wrong. So far from what I've seen, I can't help them. I don't understand how these floating pictures work, who these important people are or why these assassins are carving our logo next to their victims.

"Y/N?" The man looks into my eyes and I look around the table at the many faces staring at me.

"Yes?" I answer with a tad of caution lingering off my tongue.

"I need you to talk to someone." He gets up from the table and I look up to Bucky who stood behind me the entire time. He nods his head and I stand tall, fixing my loose shirt. Bucky walks behind me as I follow the older man. He had some sort of contraption wrapped around his legs, there were glowing dots stuck to black rods and patches tightly pressed against his pants. The future certainly has odd fashion.

They take me into a small room with the only light coming from stripes in the ceiling once again. At the end of the room was a glowing cell with a glass wall to see what was on the other side, I examine the man lying across a bench staring at the ceiling.

"Who is that?" I walk closer and put my hand against the glass.

"We caught him trying to assassinate a Secretary." The man says. "He is part of the organisation we're trying to stop." The man inside the small, bright room sits up and glares into my E/C eyes.

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