Natasha, Natasha Romanoff.

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(I envision this chapter with winter soilder Nat- look wise)

Y/N pov

"Congratulations Y/N Stark, on winning the apprenticeship" came the proud voice of my dad over the microphone.

I looked up, familiar faces were grinning everywhere.

"Well done kid," said Steve giving me a hard pat on the back.

"Welcome to the team," came the excited voice of my best friend, Peter Parker, as he ran up to me and squeezed my shoulders. He had won the apprenticeship last year and had now even made the avengers.

"I told you she'd win didn't I Mr Stark?" He turned to my father holding out his hand. Tony put a fistful of notes in it, it was obvious he had lost a bet.

"I'm so proud of you," said Tony in a sincere voice as he smiled at his offspring, I returned with a beam.

"So I get to move into the avenger compound now?!" I asked excitedly.

"I guess so, Pepper and I won't be seeing you much at home anymore now will we kid?" He chuckled.

"NO tell Mom to come to my first meeting later tho?" I asked Tony.

"Why don't you ask her yourself?" Came a voice from behind. I turned startled, there stood Pepper Pots, my mother.

"I hear we have a second genius in the household," she said grinning from ear to ear as she pulled me into a hug. I turn red in the face from all of the attention. Peter noticing this let out a laugh.

"Enough of embarrassing the girl," let her go with her friends, said Tony winking so only I could see.

I ran off with Peter to find my other bestfriends, Yelena, Pietro and Wanda. They were around my age (19-21).

" I want to hug her first - NO I do! I was her friend first Pietro... She likes me more Wanda!" Peter and I laughed as we  heard the twins arguing in their room.

"Well here she is," announced Peter flinging the door open and Wisley taking a step back.

Pietro dashed towards me but was suddenly lifted into the air by Wanda and thrown backwards. She ran and flings herself into my arms.

"You made the team!" She squealed.

"Yeah well done," said Pietro sulkly as he got up and brushed himself off

"Hey, little brother don't be sulkly just because I'm the most powerful avenger," she teased Pietro, scrunching her nose up.

Pietro broke out into a smile "I still think it's Thor," he teased back before getting hit on the head with a book Wanda had thrown through the air.

"Enough you two," I laughed, pulling Pietro into the hug.

"Have you guys seen Yelena?" I asked.

"Now you mention it no," said Wanda puzzled.

"I heard she is helping her sister settle in here," said Peter leaning against the door.

"She had a sister?!" I ask amazed. She had never mentioned one to you in Seven years of friendship.

"It's complicated relationship I've gathered," said Peter.

"Huh, two Yelenas? God help us" grinned Pietro.

"Hey, Yelenas great," I laughed back, punching Pietro lightly on the shoulder. He doged it with ease.

"Come on Y/N let's show you your room, I got you one between mine and Yelenas!" Said Wanda excitedly skipping past me as she grabbed my hand and lead me out into the hall.

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