I'm making you pancakes

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"I can't believe you made out with Yelena's sister!" Said Peter as we went back to our rooms

I had been one of the last to leave the lounge, reluctant to leave Natasha's arms.  But tiredness had gotten the better of me and I had persuaded my best friend it was time to sleep.

"She has a name Peter," I pointed out avoiding his comment.

"Fine you made out with the BLACKWIDOW," he said grinning purposely using title.

"It's Natasha" I said defensively. He ignored my comment and carried on grinning.

"Umm but blackwidow sounds so much cooler," he laughed.

"Okay good night spiderman," I retaliated, giving him a quick hug and turning to my door.

"Hey don't forget you have your intermolecular test with Mr Stark first thing tomorrow," he said.

Shit I thought. I had forgotten.

I closed my door and got undressed. My headache had faded but I knew my hangover would kick in soon.

I tried to comprehend last nights events. I had made out with Natasha Romanoff- Wow.

I looked at my self in the mirror, my physique had improved immensely over the last few weeks. Training like an avenger had caused me to gain muscle and I liked my toned appearance.

I got into pyjamas and went to bed, it had been a long day.


"Wake up!" Shouted Peter through my door a sharp knock followed.

"Yelena go wake her up, she's late!" Called Peter to someone. My door flung open seconds later as the blonde ran over to my bed and pulled the sheets off me.

"You look like shit," said Yelena looking down.

"I feel it," I admitted, trying to shield my eyes from the light.

"What did I do last night?" I asked oblivious.

"You mean your remember nothing of last night?" Asked Yelena in shock?

"Only parts it's jumbled. I hit my head and then drink alcohol not the best combination," I explained.

"Well you should probably know that you ma-" she started only to be interrupted.

"Y/N, GET UP-" yelled Peter poking his head around the door.

"Fine I'm up I'm up," I said rolling out of bed.

I ushered Yelena and Peter out of my room and got dressed quickly.  I groaned ad I realised I was in no state to take a test.

I went anyway.

Sat in the room opening the paper I saw the first question and blanked. Everyone else around me seemed to know what to do. My breathing quickened as the air around me seemed to thin. My neck grew hot and I ran out of the classroom. Peter watched me concerndly from his chair unable to follow.

Turning into the corridor I sprinted along it and ran outside. I sank to the ground. My breathing started to spiral becoming more frantic searching for the air. A light headedness came over me.

I heard abruptly footsteps approach.

"Hey Y/N, look at me," a familiar hand rested on my arm and suddenly Natasha in her running clothes was crouching infront of me.

My frantic eyes searched her calm ones getting lost in her green irisis.

"Hey breath with me," she said breathing in and out slowly. I watched her chest and tried to match it.

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