birthday party

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It had taken five minuets for Peter and me to discover the open bar my dad had provided, and another five for us to inhale six shots of vodka.

I scanned the room, everyone was present. I could barely move without another person wishing me a  "happy birthday" Or congratulations my on my new status as an avenger.

"Welcome the professor Banner from New York," said my dad, introducing a man to the party over a microphone. He was always showing off people he knew academically.

I turned to look, a man of about fifty years stood next to my father, with kind features. He looked embarrassed now everyone had to turned to him, not a people person I thought.

I turned back to Peter but he had already left my side to explore who else was in attendance.

I followed suit and stood up, the action almost sending me spinning.

"You okay there?" Laughed Yelena using my elbows to steady me.

I shot her a thankful glance.

"You finished?" She asked pointing at the vodka bottle. I nodded.

"good," she grinned, as she licked it up and took a swig, her face not even scrunching after. I stared at her in disbelief.

"this stuff?... Weak," she laughed, finishing the bottle in two or three more gulps and starting another.

"Hey you two," came Wanda's voice as she ran up behind me and wrapped her arms tightly around my neck. The assult almost made me buckle over and fall in surprise.

"Happy birthday Y/N!" She added, her grin flashing her white teeth.

"Thanks Wands," you said squeezing her embracing arms. She let you out of her grasp.

We talked for a few minuets, trivial things about what we believed would be our first mission all together.

The conversation died down as speeches were made, some more drunk and slurred than others but all as heartfelt and complimentary. I swelled with pride as my father announced my status as an avenger.

After everyone dispersed again and the dance floor opened. I scanned the room for Natasha, I had been avoiding her all night but her tight fitting black dress had made it hard not to look and I couldn't help keep tabs on her. She had stuck mainly to Yelena but now she had made acquaintances with My father's new friend- Banner.

They sat together at the bar, her mixing a concoction of drinks in a glass. My stomach felt queasy watching them, or maybe it was the alcohol.

I tried to focus on my friends around me but my eyes kept being drawn back to them, he was inches away from her now. I could see his eyes all over her clevage and her pretending not to notice. Did she always do this?

Yelena had warned me, she lived for the thrill of others admiring, falling for her.

Detached from the conversation around me, I watched Banner leant in and whispered something in Natasha's ear, she laughed loudly leaning in a whispering her reply. I was her to the notion of being jealous. I had had her undivided attention for months qnd even if I had refuted all of her advances, it had never stopped her trying. My food churned heavily in my stomach.

"give that here," I Demanded, snatching the bottle of vodka from yelenas hands.
She watched me in disbelief as I made a quater of the bottle dissappear. I shuddered after at the taste but it was better then watching her flirt sober.

"Dance!" I shouted suddenly. Anything to distract myself I thought.

"What?" asked Peter, as the rest of the group (Wanda, Pietro and Yelena) turned to me with quizzical expressions.

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