Not much of a Runner

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Y/N pov

As the days passed and I settled into my avenger life I became increasingly aware of the read head. When she was near me it felt like there was no one else in the room and Peter had even brought up how absent-minded I had been lately.

"Hey doll-face, you and spidey boy want to come for a run with us?" Asked Bucky leaning forward onto my table.

I looked up from the breakfast I had been messing with. Peter had been studying a physics manual beside me.

"Who's us?" I asked back.

"Me!" Said Steve rounding the corner a grin on his face.

"Ughhh," I groaned. Me running with two super soilders, I would look like a snail.

"Come on Y/N, it's time you started training like an avenger," grinned Peter, dragging you too your feet. He jumped at any chance to hang out with Steve.

"Fine," I said rolling my eyes.

"Great, come on Y/N and Queens" said Steve.

"I need to change first, meet you out front in 10," I said, running off towards your room.

I changed into my running gear, some tightly fitting leggings, trainers and a 'I❤STARKINDUSTRIES' sport t-shirt (God I could kill my father sometimes, he had made sure all of my sports wear had this slogan emblazoned on the front)

I left my room and hurriedly down the corridor, anxious not to hold the rest up. When suddenly a door opened onto the corridor. Natasha walked out looking down at her phone. My stomach dropped to my feet as she noticed me and looked up Her eyes rested on the slogan of my t-shirt.

A grin appeared on her lips as her eyes moved from your face to my top and back to my face.

"Looking good Stark," she laughed as she walked past me her perfume hitting your nose. Of course she smelt amazing I thought.

"I-" I started to say in protest but she had gone. I looked down at my hand, I was sure she had brushed it when passing me. Probably imagined it I thought as I ran out to join the rest.

"Ready for out 10mile run Y/N," grinned Bucky as he saw I.

"MY TEN MILE WHA-" I began to in protest.

"Nice top," interrupted Steve grinning just as Natasha had done moments before.

"It was the only one left in my dresser," I explained going red.

"No it's so cool Y/N, I want one. Will you ask your dad for me," peter said in full seriousness. I met his eyes and both burst out laughing, we both knew it was an awful top and now I had to run 10miles in it.

I started off my run with the other three and soon broke out a sweat. Steve and Bucky were barely jogging at my pace.

After the longest hour and a half of your life I came to a standstill panting outside the avenger compound. Peter patted me on the back and handed me some water.

"Ready for your hand to hand combat training?" Teased Bucky. Him and Steve barely out of breath or looking the slightest bit worn out.

"I'll pass," I said between gulped between lung fills of air.
Avenger training was a lot harder than I had thought.

"I'm going to hit the showers," I said, waving good bye to the three men as they set out on lap two.

I walked along the corridor, past my room gathering shower supplies and onto the showers.

I rounded the corner onto the shower corridor when I came face to face with non other than Natasha Romanoff the second time that morning. Just now I was red and dripping in sweat.

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