You're going to ruin everything

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I had gone to sleep that night buzzing with he taste of Natasha's mouth still on my lips.

Yelping had come from yelenas room earlier and she had looked put out when I had gone to say good night. Nats revenge for her 'bet' must've been harsh. Be careful, Yelena had warned me again Natasha isn't who you think she is.

The thought played in my mind now in the early hours of the morning, the dwindling light hitting my pillow creating fascinating patterns. I hated to admit it but Yelena was right. I had no idea who Natasha was.

All I knew was I desperately wanted to kiss her and according to last night she wanted to kiss me and that was good enough for me for now.

"Morning Soilder we need to talk." Yelenas low voice came from outside my door.

"Come in"

"Y/N, get dressed we're going for a walk." She said as she strolled in in her white suit and green vest.

"It's too early, your lucky to even catch me awake at this hour!" I complained rolling over and putting the pillow ontop on my head.

"Y/N, there's things you need to know about Natasha, things I can't afford anyone else knowing. Especially not your dad" she said impatiently.

The name Natasha had sparked my attention. I turned back over.

"Your suited up?" I asked.

"A precaution,"

"Give me five and I'll meet you out front," I promised. She left and I changed into trousers and a jumper.
The autumn was on it's way out and the first hints of winter were creeping in.

Yelena was watching the sun rise as I met her outside. I haistly put my boots on.

"A walk at this hour?" I shivered.

"Winters are beautiful here Y/N and I want to be outside to enjoy them," said Yelena matter of factly.

We started to move away from. the compound across the grass that crunched under our step.

She leaned in and added " Plus I can't risk your dad hearing us on his CCTV, No offence."

"Non taken." I knew how security tight my father was and he had only ramped up protection now he knew I lived there.

"What did you need to tell me Yelena?" I asked once we had made it five minuets away from the compound.

"Lovely colors this time of year," Yelena said ignoring the my question.

"Yelena what did you have to tell me?" I tried again.

"Nat isn't who you think she is Y/N." Yelene blurted out, refusing to look at me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She.. We come from the red room-" she began.

"Oh I know Peter explained to me." I replied in a nonchalant tone.

"I don't think you grasp what I'm saying! We are trained to kill. Kill Y/N! No mercy, no feeling no nothing. Incapable of normal feelings let alone romantic ones" She said exasperated, her eyes trying to convey her seriousness.

"But you both left right? Your both out now. Clean. Escaped the red rooms influence." I said turning to my friend of two years.

She left a silence fall between us.

"W-why are you telling me this??" I pushed further. The silence persisted.

"You're not You're not still with the red room are you?" I asked. The revelation hitting me for the first time.

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