No its kick punch kick

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The cold morning light gave me a searing headache as I forced myself out of my warm sheets.

I looked at the time and hurriedly got dressed. I had overslept and would be late to meet Natasha for my training.

Rushing down the corridor I almost sent a sleepy Yelena sprawling, she was heading down to breakfast.

"Why the rush Y/N?" She mumbled wiping her eyes but thankfully didn't wait for an answer.

Pushing open the door of the gym I saw Nats elegant but powerful figure  hoisting a punching bag onto a hook. I found yourself staring as I watched her muscles tense under the strain.

"Finally decided to show," came her voice, a cold air about it. Shit I thought going red, she had noticed me.

"A little harsh don't you think Romanoff," I replied, I had only been five mineuets late.

"Maybe you preferred if it was Bucky training with you," she said betraying herself.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked confused. I were right.  She had been jealous last night.

"Never mind," she grimaced refusing to meet your gaze.

"I literally turned down Bucky this morning to train with you!" I said fustratedly.

Her face darkened as she turned away from me and let out a few punches against the wall. I had never seen this side to Natasha before, she had always seemed so unbothered.

We started my training session in awkward silence, her only talking when necessary to show me a new move. I was new to combat and I could tell she was getting fustrated. I wad afraid to hit her incase I might hurt her but ever time I landed a punch, her body barely flinched.

"No it kick punch kick" she showed me again. Performing the moves with ease against the punching bag.

I tried to copy her and failed again, losing your balance. I sighed from the floor as she offered me a hand up.

"Stop posing Y/N, Stop being pretty for me. You have to mean you actions," she smiled gently a slight cockiness in the air. I let it slide as I was enjoying this softer side.

Here let me help. She came and moved her body behind mine. Resting her hands on my hips and holding them with a firm grip. The action made me take in a sharp breath.

"Now kick punch kick," she instructed from behind making you skin crawl as she held you up for the kicks.

"YES," I shouted passionately. I was exhilarated I had managed the move and instinct took over as I turned and jumped into Natashas arms in excitement.

The action caught her off guard and sent us both sprawling to the floor.

I let out a burst of laughter as I landed on top of her and felt her own ride cage let our a laugh.

My giggling abruptly halted as I found my face inches from hers. I felt her warmth breath on my lips and I held her eye a little too long.

"Sorry," I muttered as I rolled off her butterflies erupting in my stomach.

"Don't be she said," her tone unreadable as she stood and gave me a hand up.

"Right go again," she said this time letting me try without her.

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