"Oh just phone businesses"

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Nat Pov:

The Snow of winter had just started to settle on the ground as I felt my life starting to settle around me. It had been go go go at the red room and being away from that environment, I had found a simple solace in the mundane activities of day to day.

Stark had been kind letting me stay I knew that. He did not like me but he liked my sister and that was good enough reason to have given me a chance. I knew he would take it back in a heartbeat if he knew the thoughts I had about his daughter. Y/N Stark.

She had been a curveball. unexpected. And fortunately for me completely and utterly lonely. She had warmed to me instantly and I knew the type she would like. I could psychoanalyse people with ease.

She like the jealous, possessive but gentle type and I had moulded my self exactly to that person. I had wanted her from the second she had walked into my shower. Her cheeks burning at the encounter and now she was mine. Wrapped around my finger, oh how it would make Tony's blood boil.

A smile crept onto my lips unnoticed by the rest of my face. Y/N had said she loved me last night. Even if she had only said it in her drunken state.

I thought I love her back but I have never know the notion. It never occurred to me it was an option. For other people yes I watched people fall head over heels in movies for each other. But that's all love had ever been for me up to this point. Fiction.

I turned over in my bed careful not to disturb the sleeping body next to me. My side uncomfy, from where I had a line of bruises. I had fallen on our yesterdays mission and now the purple Angry bruises stained my side. I hadn't slept all night, anxiety keeping my thoughts racing but the alcohol from her party last night had kept her in a solid sleep for six hours now. I had watched her sleep, peaceful and beautiful.

Why did it have to be her? I could've fallen for anyone else but of course she had to go and be Starks' daughter.

I had recieved the call yesterday, out in the wood on the pay phone so Jarvis couldn't inteffere. And then called bakc today to confirm. The date had been brought up to today and today we would strike. It would have to be fast I knew Tony wouldn't keep his eye off his daughter for long when out in the field, especially considering it would be her first mission.

She had recieved the present great fully and already wore the necklace around her neck. Guilt knawed at my stomach. The necklace was a tracker, so we could keep tabs on her out in the field.

The shape next to me moved again as Y/N rolled over in her sleep. We were now face to face. I watched her delicate features twitch in her sleep, she was fascinating. I wanted to know what she was dreaming. Thinking. Feeling. All of the time.

I felt my phone buzz by my side qnd ignored it. I knew I would not feel this peaceful again for a while. It buzzed again and then again. I couldn't ignore it much longer. Reluctantly, I unlocked my phone. It was Yelena.

[Nats phone]

Yelena: Dreykov given the go ahead, get ready for tommorow poser.

Nat: okay loser 👍

Yelena: 🖕

I waited until my phone turned itself off, staring absent-mindedly into the light of the screen. If Yelena and I pulled this off, we would finally be free. It was ashame Y/N was such a decent lovable human being.

"Hey who was that?" murmured a sleepy voice from next to me. I turned and was met with Y/N droopy eyes only half engaged with the task of seeing.

"Oh just phone business," I quickly dismissed.

"Did you sleep?" She asked, whilst stretching her limbs like a cat. A Yawn followed the question accompanied by her rolling over to face away from me again.

"no" I replied. A silence followed in which I assumed she had fallen back to sleep.

"Oh, you could tried cuddling me if you want?" she offered. Such a small gesture of kindness meant so much as was going to make this next part of my journey so much harder.

"You sure?" I asked quietly.

"positive, you have to be the big spoon tho," she said wryly, I could feel the amusement in her voice.

I didn't wait for her to change her mind but shuffled over the mattress to cuddle up to her. she took a few moments to readjust but soon my nose was gently nuzzled into the crook of her neck. I took in her scent. Floral. Of course it was I almost laughed to my self. Of course it was. She was perfect in every way.

I felt a tiredness wave over me. I should try to catch a few hours sleep before the excursions of tommorow.

The next I knew the sun was up, birds singing outside the window, and a grumpy Y/N next to me chugging water and holding two paracetamols In her hand. She must've escaped our cuddle recently because the mattress next to me was still warm.

"Hangover?" I laughed.

"yes" she said sourly, darting me a grumpy look, an action which inky made me chuckle more.

I let my eyes adjust to the light before pulling myself up on my elbows. I looked at the girl next to me, she looked destroyed from last nights drunkeness. 

"I should be on my way" Y/N said, checking the time on her phone. she was right it was ready 9am and the last thing we needed was Stark finding her in my room.

"You sure you'll be okay getting back to you room?" I asked, she looked seriously unwell still.

"Yeah, I'll make it," she smiled weakly at me.

"melodramatic bitch," I teased lightly and received a light hit on the arm.

"Okay, I'm off, see you later Nat," she said, smiling as she got up and left. My smile faded. She would see me later and she would hate me for it.

I heard her footsteps half way down the hall when I realised.... Y/N had stolen my dressing gown.

~End of chapter~
shorter one this time, things will pick up soon. Its 2am so I can only apologise for all the spelling mistakes. All is not as it seems with natasha :/

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