What have you done?

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Y/N pov:

We had my first mission the day after the party and oh god the hangovers were going to be a problem. The walk of Shame back to my room had been a short one and thankfully only encountered one witness. Wanda had wolf-whistled me all the way to my room, god I hate that that witch could read minds! To my embarrassment, she must've been able to hear all my drunken thoughts about Natasha last night.

I got changed quickly, out of my dress and Nat's dressing gown into trousers. I placed the dressing gown triumphantly on my bed as you would a trophy on the shelf before making my way back to Natasha's room. I wanted to thank her again for the necklace, it was so generous. I wore it now under my t-shirt. But she wasn't there, as an early riser she had gone to breakfast I presumed.

I hurriedly along the corridors only to collide directly with Peter knocking him to the ground.

"I thought you were meant to have spidey senses" I accused.

"NOT AT 7 AM," he said defensively, I laughed and walked around him.

"you excited for today?" He asked, following me.


"and nervous?"


"good it will make you sharper on the field".

we entered the canteen and I picked up an apple, too nervous to eat anything more, and went to sit next to Peter. He sat in front of a large bowl of Weetabix, his appetite endless.

"You'll need more than that!" Said a rare voice from across the room. I looked up.

"Uncle clint!" I shouted as I stood up and ran into his arms.

"Hey, kiddo!" He laughed rubbing his knuckle on my head.

"You two know each other?" Questioned the voice I had longed to hear ever since I had left her room.

"Yes, clint is my godfather, why do you know each other?"

"Yes clint helped me sort some things a while back," Nat said refusing to expand. I looked to Clint for an explanation, but he remained blank.

The conversation was interrupted by Wanda, Pietro, and Yelenas yawning arrival to breakfast. I went back over to Peter and beckoned over the three.

Wanda came, floating her breakfast behind her, and just as she was about to sit next to me, Pietro ran to her seat.

"When will you stop doing that!?" Wanda asked lightly annoyed.

"never" Pietro grinned back.

I tried to call Yelena over too but she remained on the side of the room talking to Natasha. Both looked stressed. I frowned, before being drawn into a debate about whether space travel would ever be possible.

The morning passed quickly, a blur of briefings by my dad. Everyone was to take extra caution with me in the field. Even Pepper was going to come. And before I knew it, I was suited up and flying alongside my father, racing Captain America's plane to the suspected hydra base. We Won.

"you guys find anything yet?" Asked Cap fully suited jumping from the plane.

"What in the full 30 seconds we beat you by?' Tony asked back sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah, well everyone get looking for trap doors, craters, anything out usual," Captain said. The search began and an unsettling silent atmosphere emerged.

"Does anyone else feel like we're being watched?" Asked Pietro. He, Peter, Wanda, Yelena, and I had grouped up.

"Yeah, my spidey senses are tingling" I joked, receiving a glare from Peter.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2023 ⏰

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