Two can play at that game

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"Welcome back ladies," boomed Thor as Yelena came back into the room dragging me behind.

"Y/N, next to me!" Called out Peter making space for me on one of the sofas. Yelena perched on the sofa arm next to me.

I scanned the faces in the circle. Thor, Steve, Bruce, Wanda, Bucky, Pietro, Yelena, Peter and you made up the circle of players.

"Truth or dare?" Steve, started off Bucky grinning at his friend.

"Truth," he said leaning back in his chair.

"Who's the most attractive woman here?" Bucky asked with a smirk. He always knew how to make Steve uncomfortable.

"Well that would have to be Miss Romanoff," admitted Steve turning to the figure that had just walked in. It was Natasha. It set of an uneasy churn in my stomach.

"I heard my name," she said suspicious, joining the circle next to Yelena. I brushed her leg with my hand as she passed. She didn't make any sign she acknowledged the touch.

"All good things," assured Steve winking at her. My blood ran cold. Fortunately she ignored his advance.

"Thor, Truth or dare?" Steve said turning to thor.

"Easy, dare," he grinned.

"I dare you to let Y/N try pick up Minjor," he said. Thor agreed reluctantly placing his beloved hammer on the table.

I hesitated.

"Go on we've all had a go," cheered on Wanda starting a drum roll.

I stood up and went over to the hammer. Placing both hands on the handle I pulled. I could've sworn I felt a tremor but the thing wouldn't budge.

"See noone as worthy as me," he said relieved and picking his hammer back up flipping it in his hands with ease. I gave him a playful glare before returning to my seat.

"Truth or dare lady Y/N" Thor said turning to me, his dare completed.

"Dare" I grinned. I wasn't afraid of anything the Norse god could think up.

"I saw you two last night," said Thor smirking. "Go and sit in Bucky's lap for the rest of the game," he grinned. I looked hesitantly at Bucky but Bucky look pleased at the suggestion.

"Fine," I said standing and waltzing across the tight circle and jumping onto my new friends lap. Bucky wrapped his good arm around my waist. The action seemed innocent enough to me but a few eyebrows were raised across the circle and Natasha refuses to meet my eye.

"Boo this game is boring," said yelena getting a bottle of vodka out of her pocket. How she kept half of the stuff she did in there I would never know.

"Dare or drink!" She exlaimed proudly.

"Now we're talking!" Said Pietro.

"Fine Wanda I dare you to read Peters mind," I said grinning evily and my bestfriends.

"Wha- no fair!" Protested Peter.

"Fine I won't," said Wanda taking a shot of Vodka. Her nose scrunched at the sharp sensation.

"Hmm let's spice up the game," said Bucky.

"I dare Natasha to make out with Steve, it's been a while since the guys had any action," laughed Bucky.

"I have kissed since I came out the ice you know!" Said Steve in protest.

I wanted her to drink. But instead she stood slowly and sauntered over to steve. Perching in his lap and landed a kiss on his mouth.

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