fine flirt all you like

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Y/N Pov:

The day had flowed by steadily. I had decided to revise in my room this time and had only received one visitor. Peter keen to help me with the physics module on aero-space dynamics of my father's suit. Why we had to learn about his suit I will never know but personally I put it down to ego.

I had avoided Natasha all day and had instead seeked out Wandas company in the evening. She had been practising levitating her bed when I walked in.

"Hey wands," I said causing her to jump. The bed thumped on the ground.

"Y/N?" She asked standing and walking towards me.

"You're surprised to see me?" I questioned.

"No I- never mind," she said her cheeks reddening

"No go on"

"I just assumed you would be with Natasha that's all" she said.

Now it was my turn for my cheeks to turn red.

"No, Infact I'm avoiding her," I said turning to fiddle with a pen on her desk.

"Hmm? You are?" She asked sitting back down on the floor and beckoning for me to come sit next to her.

"My dad, he's not a fan," I said. It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the entire truth.

"I don't want her to get kicked out," I added, also not a lie.

"Y/N, how many time do I have to tell you I can read minds!" She laughed poking the my temple.

"Hey that's not fair!" I retorted.

"Wanda fair? You have the wrong girl," laughed Pietro as the door opened from the bathroom. He emerged with a freshly shaven chin.

It was my turn to jump now.

"How much did you hear?" I asked.

"All," he winked. I shot him an annoyed glance which he only smiled away.

"You and Nat eh? Am I the last person to know??" He asked.

"kinda" I admitted sheepishly.

"come on lay it on you uncle Pietro," he said coming over and giving me a mocking solemn expression.

"No you guys, really it's fine. I should go," I replied rushing out the room before they could protest. I had become flustered and a red shade resonated in my cheeks.

"Hey there," came a voice from down the corridor. I knew who before I turned to look.

"Nat, what are you doing here?" I asked the approaching woman.

"I do live here Y/N!" She said indignantly.

"Not for long," I replied quietly.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked. Her tone harsh now, I had angered her.

"You know about what my dad is saying-"

"what that I have to leave if anything happens between us?!" She finished my sentence coiling away from me.

"Well I didn't take you for such a rule stickler Y/N" she challenged.

"then you don't know me at all Nat." I said my cheeks reddening.

"I think it's better we have nothing to do with each other Natasha," I said. The use of her full name letting her know I meant it.

A brief hurt crossed her features only to be followed by fustration.

"What's this really about?" She asked taking a step forward. I took another back and found myself in the corner of the corridor.

"Yelena told me what you do Nat," I said staring into her eyes. Watching for a reaction.

"And what's that?" She replied unphased. Another step closer. I could fell the heat of her body.

"What you do to people, that you hurt them. People are just conquests to you" I said, restraining my gaze from falling to her lips. I failed.

That was the chance she needed and in a momentary flash she drew in close. I felt my back press against the wall and my feet leave the floor as she hooked her hands under my thighs and lifted me slightly against the wall. Her lips were soon on mine, kissing me almost urgently- her lips exploring mine. I melted into her kiss our breath becoming shallow and one. Her perfume filled my senses and I began to run my hand through her red hair.

"Nat no," I muffled into the kiss. She stopped instantaneously letting my body slowly drop and taking a step back.

"No?" She asked, her disspointment evident.

"you can't kiss me," I said.

"Why?" She asked.

"for the reasons I just said. My dad, the way you treat people-" I trailed off.

"they're stupid reasons," she interrupted.

"but their my reasons Natasha," I said. She digested my words for a minuet. Her brain thinking them over. Probably calculating how to change my mind.

"Fine I won't kiss you again until you ask me to," She said. Her eyes twinkling suddenly.

"And you can't flirt with me." I added, "especially not infront of my father or friends," I said staring her down. it was useless.

"Oh no darling I never agreed to that," She said her lips curling up in yet another smirk. God she was infuriating.

"Fine, flirt all you like, get kicked out " was all I could think to say. What had I gotten myself into.

"me flirt? never," she winked at me. I gave her a sour look.

Pushing past her I marched down the corridor . I could hear her eyes laugh at me as I went. I was dully aware I must look like a stroppy toddler.

I turned the corner and hit something.

A meek owww came from the person I had just assailed. Yelena stood there rubbing her arm.

"We're you listening?" I asked puzzled.

"No,no just need to speak to Natasha that's all," she said defensively. walking around the corner I had just came .

I watched her go, an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Something wasn't right at the compound. Infact something was very wrong.

~End of Chapter~

sorry it's a short one lmao. I have writers block :'). Please vote for this and ignore any spelling mistakes.

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