I don't like surprises.

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Y/N pov:

The weeks had dragged by with minimal contact with Natasha. She had suddenly seemed preoccupied and closer with her sister than before. She had less time for me and so made fewer attempts to make me ask her to kiss me.

Her flirting had been reduced to simple glances in my direction when we saw each other. But they were enough to make my heart flutter.

Instead I had concentrated on revising for my exams and being a better friend to Peter, Wanda and Pietro. I had tried to included Yelena but like Nat she seemed busier and busier, disappearing for hours on end.

The exam had been a few days before my birthday. I had studied for weeks which had kept me out of the way and out of trouble of the red head. I had felt her watch me from afar but I never let her catch me alone even when she made the time for me.

I needed 90% pass rate and then I had done it. I would be an avenger.

Anxiety had been building in my body all day and I had tried kickboxing a punching bag to blow off some steam. I had worked feverishly hard there past weeks and couldn't bear the thought of not being an avenger. Peter had reassured me many times I had done enough but I could never shake the feeling I could've done more.

We had sat down for the afternoon briefing when a letter flew through the air toward my head. Peter snatched it out the air before it met it's target- hod his Peter tingle was useful sometimes (although he had banned me from calling it that).

"what was that for?!" I asked turning to my assailant- my father standing arms folded against the glass door.

"They're your results" Said Stark, grinning at me. I felt Wanda squeeze my arm as Peter handed the crumpled envelope to me.

I could feel my pulse raise as all eyes turned to look at me. I scanned the circle. Thor, Steve, Yelena, Bucky, Wanda, Peter, Pietro, Natasha, my jum qnd dad were all present.

"Wellg go on darling open it," prompted my mother kindly. She was smiling warmly.

"Give her a chance Pepper," grinned my dad.

I tore at a corner and across the paper tugging out the piece of paper inside. My heart in my mouth.

Unfolding the letter I scanned the page for a number... A yelp escaped Peter when he found it before me. 96%.

I was an avenger.

"I looked in beaming at the table," my pride radiating in all directions.

"96!" I said.

"Well done rockstar, that one of the highest scores ever- you get that from me you know." Smiled my dad at me as a applause went up around the table. Thor raising his glass and chugged it in one and I was pretty sure it wasn't apple juice he was drinking.

"holy shit Stark, you beat me," admitted Peter in shock. turning over the paper to check it's legitimacy, I hit him playfully.

"Well today we welcome a new person to the team- Y/N Stark!" Cheered Steve grinning at me "well done kid" he beamed at me.

I looked around, white teeth smiled back at me. This truly felt like a family now. Like home. But there was one reaction I wanted to see most. I gave my self the luxury of a glance in her direction.

She was sat next to Yelena nursing a glass of water. A soft smile on her lips that blossomed as my eyes met hers. 'I knew you would do it,' she mouthed at me. My heart swelled with pride.

"Now excuse us everyone, I have to steal my daughter for her gift," smiled Stark proudly. Beckoning for Pepper and me to follow.

I raised my eyebrows excitedly at Peter and dragged him along after me.

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