Don't Know

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Have you ever felt that feeling when you're suddenly sad out of nowhere? No valid reasons or anything. You just sit back and realize that you're suddenly down and lonely.

This is what I'm feeling as I'm writing these words down. Depression seems to suddenly kick in whenever it wants. And there's no easy way to make it go away. It sticks to you because it wants to.

Music is a great help when moments like this happen. But tonight, I don't really feel like listening to anything. I don't feel like moving or standing up to make myself a little dessert. I don't even have the strength to comb my hair or charge my phone.

Today, I didn't do anything. I sat down almost the entire day and I didn't bother to wash my hair when I took a mild shower. So many things are lingering in my head that I can't focus on the simplest things. Even doing them makes it so difficult for me.

I hope I'm not the only one who knows this feeling. Because it's slowly killing me inside.

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