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[Jisung ]

Why would hyung say that?... Did he really mean it...

*knock knock *

Knowing that it is him at the door right now I just ignore it and look the other way and hug my arms about to cry again "Ji... Ji open the door its me Minho... Ji please.." His voice just goes deep into my heart as it was now warm not like a few minutes ago, him screaming through the entire house as he was mad at yet my fathers actions which I again get punished for... I knew he was too good to be real.. I keep Ignoring him even though his voice is so hard to block as it pulls me towards him...

But just block it out...


I can't...


A few more hours later...

[ 23 : 59 ]

Its almost midnight and I'm staring out this window at the stars as they lit up the sky and did the wonders of beautiful art but as beautiful as it is there is still a void in my heart and its telling me to open the door but I just... I don't want to... Hyung no longer wants me.. He's mad because my father killed his parents and I do t blame him, I would hate myself too if I knew I was the son of the man who kills people for sport and rapes young boys and girls and also abuses his son... I would be disgusted by myself

Then all of a sudden...


I turn myself around but to only see hyung himself standing behind me with his hands in his pocket and I can't help but get teary eyed and yernful to hold him as I really feel like I'm safe with him but I hold myself back

"Ji why aren't you sleeping.."As if he did not just shout at me about four hours ago so its only fair I give him attitude but I won't because its entirely not his fault so I keep quiet and so I hear a sigh almost sounding like guilt and so he walks closer to me and kneels while looking at me deeply in my eyes as I can feel the guilt radiate off him and all I wanted to do right now his hug him, kiss him , apologize to him ,comfort him anything so that he is no longer mad because when he is mad he is scary "Ji I didnt mean to say all those things to you, it really wasn't my intention I never ever wanted to make you think that you were your fathers son and everything bad that he did you should be punished for it... Please forgive me I was very angry after I figured out what happened and when I am mad I just can't control my shitty mouth and I just speak whatever shit and that hurt you alot and I'm sorry-" He was cut because I hugged him, held on tight to him as if he was my only pillar of life and did not let go "h-hyung I'm sorry for w-what m-my monster of a f-father did to y-your family I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry"

"Shh its okay Ji... It okay don't apologise its not your fault... Its okay stop crying now " he lifts my head and wipes my tears and pushes my hair slightly to the sides as it was in my eyes "Don't cry now you'll give your self  a head ache... Its fine okay you don't have to apologise for that mans actions towards innocent people .. Your nothing like him infact your the complete opposite of him... Your.. an angel.. A beautiful one.." With the warmest stare into my eyes as they as always pull me closer to him just by one stare and i really feel like doing more because i really like this hyung but hold yourself back Ji.. Hold ba-

"Is there something you want to say? Oorr..because I can see that your trying to hold yourself back from saying- or doing something.." Its like he was in my head and read every single thought going through it and yes he was right.. All I want to do right now is kiss him... Hyung is too Handsome... I don't want to say it but my eyes somehow caught his lips and I think he saw so I looked away still sitting on the soft carpeted floor
"N-no hyung its fine... I'll go to sleep now" Almost getting up but pulled Down not so roughly and in seconds lips we're connected and I felt sparks run through my entire body as I was shocked that hyung is really kissing me right now not even caring about the rules he has of not doing this and that we just met yesterday but I don't think he cares about that which makes me question a lot about him but right now I block all of that out and put my hands around his neck and pull him closer as we moved in sync and he just felt so good and so addictive and so he puts his hands on my slim waist and pulls me closer and it goes on...

But we finally pull away in lack of oxygen but I can't face him because I'm too embarrassed and I honestly don't know what to say but it seems like he does so he pulls me softly by my chin to make me look at him "Are you happy now?~ I can tell that you have a love language and kissing is one of them right so you can be happier..am I right?" Why does he know so much about me without me even saying it and just saying it so I swallow and nod "Well then I'm glad I got to make you happy again because I know that you've always had that but after your mother it was completely gone so I understand you hiding it because you do need alot of affection and I'll "


"Glad to give you all of it because you deserve it..." With a warm smile which I only want on him not that scary frown on his face before so I smile back at him and he nods and he was about to get up so I panicked and held his arm and shook my head when he looked at me and with just a stare he already saw that I don't want him to leave and nods then picks me up so I wrap my arms and legs around him and he takes us to my bed

He opens the covers and puts me in and then right in front of my eyes takes off his shirt but luckily he was wearing a white one underneath but didn't cover his arms like the other one did so he muscles were out in view for me and the shirt formed the shapes of his chest and abs and so he takes off his shoes then looks up at me who is burning bright red and he can see that

Shit panic..

"Ji are you okay"

"Yeah I'm okay" quicker than I thought then completely covered myself with the cover so I hear a faint chuckle then a sec later I felt the bed get leveled and someone wrap their arms around me and the body was so warm its warmth mixed with mine would make me fall dead asleep then and there but whenever I used to cuddle with my mother I always face her and lay on her chest to hear her heart beat so I turn myself around and so he sees what I'm trying to do then sleeps flat so I could lay on his chest and so I do and I felt a arm pull me close...Now our bodies felt like they were fused together... Never gonna separate.. He some how makes me feel as if my mother was here and she was smiling at me with her beautiful smile and kissing me everywhere on my face as we were really close and I felt safe with her... Like I do right now

"Thank you.."

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