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Time Skip: one week later...

Its been Twenty seven days after Minho's passing and Jisung is still feeling very miserable and alone even with his hyungs around him to support him through this hard time, he still feels broken and missing a piece in his heart and that piece is Minho.

He is now standing by the Mirror of his bedroom and looking at his own stomach, he noticed how it grew after a span of one week. He sighs looking at the cream white skin, he places his small hand on it rubbing it slightly then smiled

"I wish Minho hyung could do this.. *sigh* oh how happy he would've been to hear that I'm carrying you two.." he speaks to himself then laughs a little "he would never leave my side.. even more than he didn't, he would have stayed with me until you were born and then do whatever it cost to protect you..mh..Minho hyung.." Jisung then drops his sweater then looks up with tears forcing to drop down his face, he bites his lip to stop the tears but they just came

"I miss you hyung.. I miss you so much..every single day that pass's after you died it hurts, it hurts because your death just reminded me of my euomma's death and I loved her so much!.." jisung drops his head trying not to scream out in pain of his broken heart, he calms himself down then starts speaking again

"Hyung you hurt me..you left me, you promised to never leave me but look now.." he stiffles the rest of his tears up and wiped them from his face "but.. it's not your fault, you were a good man, you protected, you even protected people you did not even know. You were that good of a person and I loved you for that, hyung your a hero.. you saught how powerful Russia is and how they would kill us no questions asked and stopped all of that from happening..I've never been this greatful of a person so should every other Korean alive right now.."

He smiled widely remembering going to Russia and also taking his part in saving his country and how handsome Minho looked.. that was the last time his eyes fell on Minho' the last time he saw him breathing and walking on the surface of the Earth, last time he ever set his eyes on his handsome boyfriend and potential husband.. he hoped. That hurt more..

"I love you hyung..I'll always love you and I want you to know that whereever you are~ Your still the pillar of my life and keeping you in my heart keeps me going so.. it's now safe to say that..

Time Skip:Two days later..

"I'll keep the baby.." Those words like waves coming out of Jisungs mouth as he looks down at his hyungs who were yet again together.

They looked at each other then smiled "Well that's very great Ji~ and don't worry we'll help you and get you everything you need" Youngjae says with a warm smile "Yea that's great Ji~ and if you ever need our help with anything were just one call away okay" Mark softly says to Jisung who just nodded

"Were proud of you Ji~ and I'm sure that Minho is too where ever he is~" those words coming from Chan as he was standing with Hyunjin necto to Jisung< jisung smiled at that but..

"But..under one exception" Jisung breaks the soft moment and went serious, everyone looked at him confused and blank "which is Ji?" Seungmin asks, who was here too with Jeongin because they moved a few days ago

"That We leave.. the Mafia life behind.." Jisung finally says while looking every single one of his hyungs in the eyes, they looked at him blankly "wait what?" Yugyeom asks the younger who just sucked in some air then

"Hyung I don't want my child nor children know that we live this kind of life, I know all of you want to start your lives afresh.. like Youngjae hyung" Jisung looks to Youngjae who was next to Jaebeom "JB hyung.. Youngjae hyung once told me that he wants to get married one day and have a family with you.. and stay far away from this life we live" Jisung exposes, Youngjaes eyes grow wide remembering that, he looks to JB who was looking at him "Really Jae?" He asks softly as he reaches to grip his hand, Youngjae looks down then "Yea..I want to leave this Mafia life and start a family with you" he says in tiny. JB just smiled at that then "Don't worry we will..I promise" JB whispers before kissing Youngjaes cheek making him blush and laugh a little

Jisung smiled at that then continued "And see Jeongin and Seungmin have already started, they moved to get closer to each other and begin their new lives.." Jisung looks to the two who just smiled to themselves 

"And look at the two couples who are already nearing their wedding days.." Jisung with a heart smile and a chuckle while shifting his eyes from Hyunjin and Chan to Felix and Changbin who just dropped their head and smiled to themselves "wait what?! Guys y'all are getting married??" Jackson asks shocked at the news, they nod "Yes, we've both been together for 8 years ever since we met each other when we were like 14? 15 to 19" Chan informs and both Hyunjin and Felix show their fingers that have two beautiful and glimmering rings

"That's so sweet~" Mark whispered under his breath while going carzy with both envy and love for the rings, Jisung saw that and "Jackson Hyung..it's time now" he says looking at Jackson, he knows what Jackson knows

Jackson just looks at him blank then it hit him, 'should he do it now?' Was on his face towards Jisung, Jisung nods then chuckles "Yes! Now hyung!" "Okay okay!" Jackson gets up then reaches his hand out for Mark, Mark looks at it but then got ahold of it and let the younger pull him out and away from everyone else..

(This Chap got me wheezing ya'll🖐️😭 anywhoo hope your enjoying and I'm almost at the end of this other long long long long story so I'll miss writing very much😣)

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