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"Okay Ji listen when you walk in there-"

"If I walk in there"

"Ji don't interrupt me when I'm speaking" Minho with a very strict glare which cause Jisung to drop his head and play with his fingers "Sorry.."

"Okay so back to what i was saying , when you walk in there with Felix you one.Don't say anything meaning you nor Felix must start a conversation got it?" While st explaining he stops then looks back at Jisung

"Got it.." Jisung straight forward and quickly answering cause this I the first time seeing Minho so serious with him really , it scared him a lot

"Okay good and Two.You speak when your spoken to , you don't just burst in there and run your mouth okay?"


Minho looks at Jisung with an 'unsure' look which Jisung could see and that brought him down a little

"Perfect now Three.You do not tell anyone your name or Felix's okay because once you do its cover blown and bullet in your head okay?"

"Okay.." A bit more down as he was hurt that his own boyfriend is having doubt's but He's trying not to be too quick to over think because he knows Minho has his reasons to being like that

"Great now Four.We have already sent them an inonimous letter to them telling them about what's going on so when you get there you'll be wearing a mask so they do not see your faces and when you get this guys office"

Minho turns to the large flat screen that just showed a Russian embasadors face which looked very serious and intimidating , as they all are

Not being racist here guys

"And in this room will be These people.. The Head of Military , The Head of Russian Force all of it including Warships,Submerines,Airforce ect. The Goverment of Russia and one of their most trusted soldiers along with Ten more of the soldiers in the room for protection so these are the only people you will talk to okay no one else do you hear?"

Jisung looks at all of them thoroughly and nodded "Words Ji"

"Yes geez!"

Minho was surprised so was Jisung so he quickly apologised " I'm sorry hyung I am so sorry, I don't know what came over me.." Jisung over and over again until he shut up when Felix entered the base they were in

"Minho could you be a liiittle nice, you can't even explain anything properly and nicely not even to your own boyfriend... Shame on you" Felix goes to a cabinet and takes out something sharp and long but put it back then took a small gun then took something in a cylinder shape and put it in his belt behind him and walks back to Minho

"Be nice you bum and I heard his response so don't be surprised when he slaps you next time cause from my veiw I think you need it.. Bye Ji!"

With that he was gone and Minho just thought about what's he said then looks back at Jisung who is now standing up at the screen looking at the people on it and he looked serious so Minho wanted to test something so he took his gun from behind him and and aimed it at Jisung and when he shot it , Jisung like a god or something moves out of the way before the bullet was shot out then fires a glare at Minho

"What the hell!? This is the second time your trying to put a bullet in my head!!"

Minho keeps quiet then looks away from Jisung with a smirk which angered Jisung even more

"Minho! What the fuck you're ignoring me after you just fired at me!"

Minho kept himself silent and still and backs away so Jisung not believing this scoffs then heads for a way away from Minho with the thought

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