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"Hey guys do you ever feel like your being watched in this house?" Felix asks as he looks up from his phone swearing he could see a red dot on his chest "Yeah and what are these red dots on our chests?" Seungmin touches it thinking maybe its a stain but when it disappeared Jeongin quickly pulled Seungmin onto his lap same as Changbin to Felix and Chan to Hyunjin and they all looked back at the bullet hole on the sofa

"Uh we have to go... Like now!" Chan says as he quickly gets up and so does everybody as Guns started firing and they all froze when they saw two grenades on the floor



All six of them were flown out of the room and bashed through the door and were all laid out on the floor groaning in pain and Two unconcious

It was Seungmin and Hyunjin

When Chan looked up his vision was too blurred to see anything but he did see guns and a lot of red and he knew then and there it wouldn't help being unconcious now as they were gonna die so he looked back down weakly ready for his death but thats not until one by one they all fell to the ground like flies  and when they were all down Chan saw some one walk closer to him but he couldn't see who it was then because he'd

Passed out...


[Chan Hyung ]

I slowly wake up to soft voice humming while wiping my for head but as I was about to get up and see who it was the pain coursed through my body and yesterday's events went like a torpido in my head causing my ears to ring and a very irritating heaviness in my head

"Uggh hsshi-"

"Hyung your awake!-"

"Shhhhh" His voice was so piercing it made the stings even worse "Oh sorry Hyung didnt mean to make noise..." As I hear non other than Jisungs sweet innocent voice become quieter "Thank you now where am I ?"


"In the middle of nowhere its fine Ji I'll take it from here now" I manage to get up but thats pain is still there and I get up to see Minho standing there with the warm towel Jisung was holding about two seconds ago

But then before I was about to say anything else , Hyunjins body that was unconscious on the floor yesterday ran through my mind and u felt a sudden peng in my chest telling me he wasn't doing so well

"Hyunjin.." I try to get up and as expected the pain just hurdles over me like a tornado but I block it out as Hyunjin needs me and he is the only thing in my mind but Minho and Jisung stop me "Hyung no your still hurt.."

"Hyunjin.. Where's Hyunjin.."

"Chan you gotta rest your still hurt-"

"No! Where's Hyunjin!! Take me to him now!!" I crack as their sympathy won't do me any good now as I don't care all I want right now is hyunjin then finally Minho sighs then leads me out of the room to another which was about five door down and yes that was a journey but I didnt care how much pain I was feeling, all that was in my mind right now was Hyunjin...


Jisung opens the door to show me Hyunjin who was sleeping on a bed with Machines around him and the worry hit me like a tsunami on the side of a building completely knocking me off balance "W-what happened? Why is he in that bed with all those machines around him?"

"Well..."Minho hesitates and that wasn't doing me any good right now , I want answers

"Well what!?"

"He.. He survived the bombing but he hit his head pretty hard on the door and the ground which caused him to pass out but also fractured his skull and caused some brain damage so that means... We don't..we don't know when he'll wake up.. Chan he is in a.. He's in a Coma"

My body stiffened when those words came out of Minho mouth "W-what did you..just say.."

"Chan... Hyunjin is.. Those machines are the only thing keeping him alive and right now with the help of them he is fighting this war between life and death..."

I didnt even hear what he said as my ears were ringing and I was slowly walking closer to Hyunjin and when I got there I kneeled down in front of my beauty,my everything,my world and the love of my life either dead or alive right now and the tears can't be forced in as they slowly came down one by one as the pain of waiting probably days,Weeks,months or even years for him to wake up was too much for me to process properly

"Chan I'm gonna say all of this now because I don't want you getting angry later but I think he'll be  more angry when he wakes up..."Minho goes to his arm and raises the sleeve to show me Hyunjins burnt arm so it made me look away

"He was closer to the explosion..."

No way.. He wasn't he was behind me I saw him he was- shit it was Seungmin

"Can.. Can I have some time with him please.."

"Sure...Ji let's go.."


S/n:ohhh Hyunjins gonna kill me 😅.... But like imagine him like that with his skin burnt I would cry 😭a river for that matter anyways hope you liked this chapter as this was my first Bomb scene in any mafia book and I think I should have done better and Happy Birthday to RM from BTS 😁💙💙💋 hope you enjoyed your day Joonie😍😋

Also I'm too lazy and tired to write this scene sooooo bare with me ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯

Kidding just doing it to keep the suspense ☺

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