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"How the hell did Han reach this kind of Technology yet?" I ask myself as I look into Hans vomit and the very tiny MicroBot still wivering around "This little thing caused that much pain to Jisung? Makes me wonder what Han and JYP are building right now.." If they managed to make something as high tech as this they could be making something bigger and more dangerous...


"Is it done?"

"Yes it is done but why did you want yo kill him you know I wanted to give him to Sun Woo as he was very interested in him"

"Well if I can't have him neither can your precious son now that he is dead can we focus on the Secrer project,is it done little brother?"

"Why do you still call me little brother don't you despise me"

"Yes I do Jin Young but I'm older than you so I have right to call you that no matter our problems we both want the same thing so let's not get ourselves distracted , have you taken care of Stray Kids?"

"No but we are intending to"

"Excuse me what.. I don't want you to intend JinYoung I want them gone because these boys are the only thing in my way especially that Minho.."

"Han don't be stupid, these boys are smarter and stronger than you think and I never taught them any of that, they use will power and teamwork as they understand and watch each others backs, they are gonna be harder kill then Jisung who you just needed to plant MicroBots in, they are more smarter,quicker and stronger so we have to be careful with them.. Especially Minho.."

"Fine I guess your right , now thats over with I'm kinda hungry and since Jisung is dead I want some one to satisfy my needs... Is Yeji here little brother?"

"Listen here Han you can do whatever shit you want to do with your children but not my daughters are we clear and I don't give a shit if were brothers if you or any of your guards lay a Hand on Yeji or Tzuyu I will not hesitate to fucking kill you you pervert find yourself a whore something out there but leave my daughters alone"

"I understand your fatherly instincts Little brother so I nor my guards lay a hand on your daughters as you said but.. What about your son? He seems like a delight mh don't you think?"

"Han unlike you I'm an actual father who protects and thinks about his young so don't you dare touch him either"

"But that wouldnt be fair because I'm his uncle and isn't it rude not to please me?"

"In your world you ass so I'll never let you touch him"

"Okay then what do you prefer me to do.. Kill all three of them then use your wife even if shes dried up or don't kill all three of them and just use Sun Woo its a very simple Choice maybe just for me but to you it should be very simple... little brother.."

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