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[Third persons pov ]

" S-sick of what?" Seungmin as if he doensr know what Jeongin is speaking about so Jeongin smirks then rolls his eyes "Seriously baby~ as if you don't know what I'm talking about.." Jeongin with a deep stare into Seungmins eyes and as much as he wanted to say it he just doesn't have the guts to say it... Mh who would have thought that The loudest loud mouth of all couldn't even speak about his feelings... Ironic..

"No I don't and don't call me that" Seungmin  removes Jeongins hands and pushes him off but only to be slammed right back "Say it.."
"N-no! I have nothing to say!" Seungmin looming away and trying to avoid Jeongins eyes and Jeongin sighs in almost a giving up way and Seungmin heard it so when Jeongin slowly removed his hands he felt guilt run through him and shame as he could not even speak about how he felt about the person who was like his best friend but some thing a whole lot more by heart

"Okay fine.. I don't want to force you anyway so I'll go.."  His words and body failing reaches his hand out to the door nob and twists And waits for Seungmin to move out of the way and so he does but avoiding Jeongins gaze , as Jeongin was about to walk out "Jeongin wait i-.. I.. *sigh* nothing.."

"As always.." With that Jeongin was out the door and slammed it close and Seungmin watched as the guy he loves walk out of that door where they could have solved this entire thing and have become something... Something more.. Something they've always wanted to be after they layed eyes on each other and that brought tears down his face and so walked to the closed door and layed his back and slowly fell to the ground with tears streaming down his face and when he reached the floor he covered his tearfilled face in his knees " why are you such a coward when it comes to him huh Seungmin! Screw you!" Seungmin cursing himself as he could never bring himself to confess to Jeongin and he doesnt even know why...

*door opens * Almost pushing Seungmin onto the floor but he could care less right now but that's when the door showed Felix's face "Uh? Minnie what are you doing on the floor?- crying? Uh Minnie why are you crying?" Felix hurries in and kneels down on the floor and this Just made Seungmin worse so he cried out a bit louder so Felix pulled him into his embrace "L-lix why am I s-so stupid"

"What? No your not stupid Minnie.. Why would you even say that"

"B-because I had a chance... B-but I blew it! I was a coward.. H-he made me weak" Seungmin trying so hard not to have a mental Breakdown right now "He? Oh Jeongin, wait he was in here?" Seungmin nods on  Felix shoulder so Felix understands and pulls him closer and rubs his back trying to calm him...


Everyone is down at Headquaters so is Seungmin and Felix, Jisung is upstairs watching a movie while eating you guessed Cheesecake and as they were all seated and waiting for Chan to speak Jeongin gets a Text message and Hyunjin who was sitting next to him saw who it was "Huh? Since when do you Text with Tzuyu?" Hyunjin with a questioning look and that question grabbed only Seungmins and Felix's attention and Jeongins saw that and stared right at Seungmin "Been a while.." That's all he said before putting the phone back in his pocket and Seungmin dropped his head and closed his eyes screaming at himself 'DONT CRY!'

But Felix who was sitting next to him rubbed his thigh and mouthed 'you okay?' to Seungmin and Seungmin not able to hide that his not shakes his head and releases a questioning load of air which would show that he will cry but manages to hold it in... For now..

"Wow look at you going after JYP's baby girl.." Changbin also hearing but Jeongin just half smiles at it the sits back on his chair but also earning a nudge from Felix "ow what was that for!?"

"Shh listen Chan is going to speak" Felix avoiding the question and looking up at Chan who was setting down a file and was about to speak so Felix grabs Seungmin  hand caresses it with his other comforting the Younger and looking back to Seungmin who just nodded a 'thank you'

"Okay I called you down here because we have an important function we have to attend and it is at JYP mansion "

"Okay what is it?" Hyunjin who is rolling in his chair "its a debut ceremony , a new group from District 9 is coning out"

"Wow thats amazing! What are they called!?"Felix excited so Chan half smiles " ****** "
"Wow its a girl group.. Nice we do need more girls out there because there's too much guys now.." Changbin liking the idea but one person is not interested "I'm not going" Minho gets up and Walks for the door but is stopped by Chan with his arm "Listen Minho we are all going to the function, its not by choice its Compulsory for us to go"

"I. Said. I'm."

"Not.Going!" Minho shoving Chans arm off very roughly and yes these two are very rough with each other so as Minho started walking again Chan grabbed his wrist and pulled him back and leans in to his ear "We are taking Jisung with us Because Jin Young wants to see him"

'Fuck' was all Minho thought and felt like punching Chan's face inside out but kept it in "*sigh* Fine!" Minho gets Chan's off him by just raising his arm and dropping it really hard and kept walking again and he was out of sight and Chan smiled to himself knowing that Minho is very protective of Jisung

"Well now that we got him to come with us Felix and Seungmim you to Jisungs room and pick out nice clothes for him- oh Jeongin do you want to go with them since your-"

"No I'm not going with them, I'll go get ready by myself " Jeongin getting up and getting out and left Seungmin to sigh and heartbroken and Felix saw this and Seungmin just dropped His hand and dashed out of the room "Seungmi-... *sigh*" Felix knowing exactly why he did that

"I'm sensing a lot of Tension here is everything okay with those two?" Chan who just turned around after watching Seungmin run out and Felix just sighed before answering "I think so but I'm not sure what because I found Seungmin crying in his room after he said Jeongin was in his room.." Felix explains he shouldn't have but at this point he was worried about Their relationship

"And the Tzuyu thing?" Changbin shocked but also curious "Wait he was crying? Seungmin? Thee loud mouth seungmin? Thee Seungmin who spits fire? No way!? Just because of Jeongin? Now way just... Nah.. But why?" Hyunjin also just as curious as Changbin and Chan "I don't know! Geez honestly if knew I would have told you so bye ! Goodness" Felix for the first time flipping out

" well that was new... Anyway let's go" Chan

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