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"Chan what are you doing.." JB asks Chan as he stares Chan but he gets this response "I'm giving up thats what now leave me the fuck alone because I know if I die I have no one to go to so better just dying alone because I have no family.." Taking another gulp of the alchol and JB wasn't taking it so he literally slapped the bottle from his hand which to any normal human being that would have hurt but it had no effect on him as he just waves it off a little bit "What the hell did you that for!? You fucking whore!  Now I have to get another one thanks to you!" Chan pushes JB very harshly but JB doesn't back down but instead uses his will power and determination to push Chan back to the position he was in earlier "Chan you listen to me now you are literally 24 years old and your the leader of Stray kids so pleas start acting like it because your one stupid mistake could cost the rest of the team okay! Now everything you kept saying about Hyunjin dying is bullshit you hear me Hyunjin is gonna wake up! I know it might take probably months or even years but He's not gone as yet so you saying that means that you want him to die in his sleep mh? Is that what you want! The love of your life to die!"

"NO! Ofcourse I don't want him yo die!! But if you were in my position and saw him for the first time after a bombing unconscious and bearly hanging on to love life who you still have a gritt to keep hoping that he wi-"

"Yes I still would because if I were you I'd see that he is my world and I couldn't live without him and that if he goes I go and we'll forever be together because I love him and I would do anything to wake him up and make him come back to me because I miss his touch,kiss,smile and the way he shows me love in everyday he could! Now was that Chan! Was that fucking hard! All you had to say was that but noooo you want to bring down yourself and Hyunjin and making him think that you don't care anymore about him mh? Is that what you want Chan! I'm speaking to you goddammit!!" JB pushing Chan and watches as he stumbles back but instead just drops himself on the sofa then grips hair followed quivkly by sobs and listened as they got louder

"I'm so stupid! How did I not even see that I was making it even worse! I don't deserve Hyunjin.. I'll only hurt him.. Like I am now"

JB hears this and also feels bad for shouting at Chan like the way he did but there's was no other way to get Chan to see what he was doing was wrong and that he needed to stop before he hurt himself and Hyunjin

"Chan I -"

"No I'm sorry.. I shouldn't have.. I should have been more smarter about this instead of acting like a douche bag that was dumped  I shouldn't have said all those things! " Before he could say more JB pulled him into a hug , a tight one to that I and let's Chan breakdown on his shoulder as Chan really loves Hyunjin and this just tears him inside thinking that Hyunjin might not wake up "Its okay Chan... He'll wake up I promise.. I'm sure he wants to start a beautiful family with you and y'all can live a happy life but non of that can happen if you keep bringing the both of you down like this and losing hope... Please.." He pulls Chan away and looks at his blood red eyes

"Look you need to calm down and keep hoping okay, keep strong , Hyunjin is not going anywhere okay I'm sure you two will die together anyway.." Earning a half sob and half laugh from Chan "okay so I suggest you get some rest then we can continue in a day or two okay?"

"Yeah I'll try... Oh and Thank you.. For being a great big brother" Chan looking back at JB as he was already by the door but JB just cocks his head to the side with his eyes squinted "Hey thats my job anyway now when you go out the you first apologise to the others especially Minho.."

"Oh okay Mom" Chan with a smirk


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