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The next day...

Minho wakes up earlier than Jisung just to go make a phone call...

The person he is calling pivks up..


"What the hell? Where did you go you ass head !?"

"Good morning to you too dickwad"

There's a sudden mocking change in Chans face as he wants to know where Minho and Jisung are

"Whatever , where are you and Jisung? "

"Uhh I font think I don't think I can tell you that...."

Chan's face finds a frown and it shows now that he is no longer playing with Minho and wants to know there and then where the hell they are and now but before he makes his threat he is stopped by Minho

"Because of the room you are in..."

"Huh? What do you mean ? I am in headquarters !?" Chan confused but slowly trying to figure out himself in his head what Lee know is talking about

"I mean... Just go to my room and go inside the secret room please so I can tell you more freely okay please just do that for me because I have something really important to tell you.."

Trying possibly as hard as he ga to get Chan out of headquarters and into his secret room that now they found out about it so Chan sighs then gets up with the phone in his hand and walks up to the elevator then when it reaches the house he gets out and heads for Minhos room and when he gets there he goes to the secret room and opens it and then all of a sudden his phone crashes and he can't see or hear Minho anymore

"What's the hell? Why isn't my phone working!?-"

"Don't worry about your phone Chan its gone down for a while to delete the conversation we just had" Minho pops up on the screen almost startling Chan but Chan manages to hide it and walks towards the screen in front of him

"So okay so many questions lets start with number one.. Where are you? What is this important thing you want to tell me? How is my phone crashing the minute I got in here and where's Jisung!" Chan bearly catching his breath as he is confused but stops himself because he really wants to hear what Minho has to say because it sounds important

"Okay so me and Jisung are in my house that Is very far from there and is untraceable in the Korea grid and don't ask me how too long of an explaination anyway so don't worry about Ji he is safe and well and we will be back today but probably at night because this place is very far away"

"Okay thats one burden off my shoulders now tell me about the phone crashing thing?'

"Okay so in that room you are in the walls are.. Aish how can I put this.... They have a mind of its own.."

"Okay meaning what Einstein"

"Meaning it is automatically engeneered to shut down any devices that were not built within its system and is gonna delete any sort of information that it has recorded including phone calls, videos,pictures ect.."

"Oh wow okay when did you do all of that? And since when are you like a genius in this kind if way to the point- wait your house? You have a house!? Where the hell did you have thw time to build a flippin house  I have so much questions about you man!"

"I know I know *snickers* its a skill I've learnt to perfect over the years we have been together also from District 9 "

"Oh okay okay thats really... Really some thing new but good new also frghtning new but we past that now, now tell me what is so important I have to come into this room that gives me the hibie gibies because you said it has a mind of its own and it could be plotting my death right now so please hurry your shits up!"

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