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3rd Person' POV~

Its been a few whole days after Minho's sudden passing, Jisung hasn't spoken, eaten or moved from that bed he was put on yesterday, the loss of his love just broke him too much, he knows there's no other way to get Minho back but he knew that there was a way he could see him again.. "should I reall?" There was this voice that told him not to at all! But he is fighting for his Love and Heart, he loves Min..he loved Minho with all his heart, the pain of losing him just drove him over the edge and..

And there was something happening to him that he needed to tell Minho but now that he is no longer here who will he tell? Who will be excited? Who will watch him? Who will care for him and make him the centre of attention in his world? Who who who? That same word just ran through his entire head bashing against his skull wanting to break free from his head and finally get that answer, that heartbreaking and realistic answer "No one.."

Time Skip


Its been days after minho's death which I still don't fricking get, how the hell did he die so suddenly?? It just makes no fucked up sense to me but I had more things to worry about like Jisung..

He hasn't come out of his and Minho's shared bedroom for an entire day, I'm sure he has been either crying or fighting to kill himself or not because I would.. if I lost some one who saved me from a constant cycle of being used and my life not going anywhere and being showed the love I deserve than the love that made me think that my mother's death was bound at a young age, I really would've killed myself but.. I just hope he doesn't because there's a lot that doesn't seem right about this sudden death but right now.. it's best to help my poor Ji and get him better

"Hey Lix..whatcha doing in here all by yourself?" I hear the love of my life, the one I would never want to leave my side, annoying and all but I still love him. I feel his strong arms wrap around me from behind as I was looking out the window of our shared bedroom "Just..thinking.. about Minho, how did you say he died?" This is me asking this question for the twentieth time and probably making myself look like I'm mad

Changbin sighs then "Lix, you have to stop this now..I've told you before that the Car Minho was in along with Han and JYP exploded okay, it was all rigged by Monsta Gang okay so now please.." I look down at that adding those words back to the line of the same words in my head, I feel bad for making him have to explain this over and over again to me when we are desperately trying to get over this tragic death, I just don't want to get over it as yet "I'm sorry Binne, I know I must be annoying you with these q-questions.." and another thing I love about my boyfriend is that the minute he heard the breaks in my voice and I how I started stuttering he pulled me back into a hug and started stroking my hair "it's okay Lixxie, it's okay, I know that this is still too much for you but I promise we'll get over this together as friends and family.. we are not saying forget Minho when we say get over but just keep him close to us so he knows on his new journey he has the love of his loved ones to guide him~" those words just said it all and I then hid my face on his chest letting him calm me down once more..

Time Skip

Seungmin POV~

I still at all can't believe the person we have been with for six years straight is gone, he dead and I still don't believe it, it's too hard to believe that he is dead because no matter how mean and scary he was he still loved us and we loved him.

"So Min are we gonna move like Changbin and Felix did or stay with Chan Hyung and.. Min Min? Seungmin"

"Mh Mn what?oh I'm sorry what were you saying?" I turns and focus on Jeongin, I didn't even know he was in the room "I said I saw five pigs flying yesterday and a ant and a bettle having sex"

"What?" I look at him weirdly, what the fuck did he just say? "Min you weren't listening to me the entire time I was here! I was speaking about Moving?!" Ohh

"Ugh I'm sorry...I was just.." I looked out the window thinking should I tell him or not but no it's gonna worry him too much so I then turned back to face him "You know what Yeah, Chan and Hyunjin deserve their time alone together so let's start looking so we can leave them be..

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