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"Okay Youngjae are they ready?" Minho walks in Youngjae and JB's shared room for now "Why dont you look for yourself.." Youngjae replies as he moves out of the way to show a totally different Ji Sung as he now had coral blue eyes and black almost fuzzy but a bit wetness due it so oy looks like it was just washed but its just gel but either than that he looked like the same old Jisung which just was just diquised a little

"Okay okay looks belivable enough, its good well done Youngjae and don't think I forgot about you , you also look beautiful like this"

Minho runs his finger on the cheek of Jisungs face "Oh shush hyung I look gorgeous ~" Jisung flicks his lock of hair sassily which made both Youngjae and Minho to chuckle a his cuteness

"Of course you are~ okay now get everything else you have to do ready and I'll meet y'all down stairs okay"

"Okay Hyung"

- - -

Every one else is down stairs getting ready to leave but when Chan walked down the stairs with a almost unoticable limp in his leg and he quickly covered it up and made it look like he was fine but really he wasn't , some one noticed

"Yo Chan wassup with your leg? You good"

Yugyeom being the one to notice him and when he did a snicker could be heard from JB and Chan was forced to act "Shut up JB"

But JB started laughing out loud and that made Chan go a bit red, mh weird

"Nothing happened to my leg Yugyeom thank you for checking" Chan trying to get over the conversation and stop it now but JB

"Naah I don't think hes good, is there something bothering you up-"

"JB!!" Chan bursts but in almost laughing tone and that just caused JB to laugh even louder and Chan got even more red and the others were wondering not until "okay fine and hey I'm sorry if I was you know.. Too rough yesterday.."

And with that he was out of sight and Chan's face was now blood red and he felt like punching JB right across the face

"Okay what the hell happened with you two because JB never just laughs like that" Jackson wondering

"Yea did y'all fight or something yesterday and you lost or.." Changbin helping Chan with a cover up story so he quickly replies

"Y-yeah fight, we fought and I lost" Chan trying to get out of the room as quickly as possible and everyone knew he was lying because Chan is never this nervous

"Woah hold up... Your lying.." Felix stopping him was almost out of their sight "No Feli-"

"Wait what is that?" Bam Bam from Behind Chan and reveals his collarbone and what it showed almost made Felix slap him. "Chan is that.. A hickey!?" Bam bam snickers and walks away followed by Felix too "no! Its a mosquito bite"

"Chan stop fucking lying! Just say it! You and JB had sex!" Felix not shouting so Youngjae doesnt hear cause if he did , he would kill JB


"Why the fuck are you still lying!" Bam bam losing his shit seeing Chan like this so is Jackson and he is louder than Bam bam so it made his situation way worse "Hey come on we are not going to judge you! Well as long as Youngjae doesn't hear about this" Felix tries calming himself down a bit

"Okay okay it did happen but that was the first and the last so this I the last time we will have this talk, it wasn't supposed to happen!" Chan protests

"Suree..But listen I don't think Hyunjin nor Youngjae would a polygamy.." Felix now walks out of the room going up the stairs "Fuck no! It just happened! We were drinking one moment and then boom sex now let's just forget it okay! Go get ready quickly and please get out of my sex life okay!"

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