Humanity? It's Overrated.

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I woke up in a steel chair this time. I didn't feel the throbbing of wood in my leg, so hey, I'm good. That was until I made the mistake of bringing up my head. I moaned as I remembered the events of before. How long have I been here? I thought to myself.

Two days, tops. I heard shuffling and then it stopped. I willed my head to move towards where the shuffling had been. Swear beaded my forehead as the pain shoot threw me. Once I saw who was there, my face turned to a scowl.

I saw Destiny and Rock. Rock smirked and walked in front of me. "How are you doing? I heard you were hurt. Right.. Here." He mocked as he jabbed his thumb into one of the bullets in my head. I gasped in pain.

"You knew, didn't you?" I frowned at Destiny.

"Knew what?" She was playing dumb.

"That I was adopted as a child." I spat at her.

"Of course. It's not scientifically possible for parents that don't have blue eyes to have a blue-eyed child, such as yourself." She stated.

I rolled my eyes. Why didn't I think of that? Oh right, I've had more important things to think about. "Your point?" I asked.

She swayed towards me and smirked. "Don't have one."

She tied a gag around my mouth. "I've been waiting to do this." She whispered.

She grabbed my throat and squeezed, choking me. I struggled to breath but her grip kept getting tighter. I started to weeze, trying to get air into my system. As black etched the sides of my eyes, she let go.

I took a deep breath. I coughed and took more quick breaths. Mikael walked into the room. I controlled my breathing as he neared me. I was honestly terrified of Mikael. "Hello, Leigh Ann." Mikael smirked.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

He walked straight infront of me. He become eye level and smirk. I glared at him. "Turn your humanity off." His pupils dilated.

I wanted to say no, but I couldn't. He compelled me. That's a first. I forgot all my worries, forgot anything I had once cared for. Now, I honestly don't care about a thing.

He let me go and I ran out the door.

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