Saving the Mikaelson Family

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I ran up to my favorite tree in the woods. I was crying slightly. I can't believe Elijah killed Alaric. He knew he was my best friend.

I was so mad. I heard yelling in the distance. "Leigh Ann! Where are you!" Of course. It was Elijah.

"I don't want to be found." I whispered, knowing he would hear.

He was by my side in a flash. I didn't want to see him so I looked straight ahead. "Why?" I whispered again.

"I had too. He tried to kill Destiny." He sighed.

I sighed and kept looking straight ahead. "That doesn't mean you kill him. And why is Niklaus mad at you?" I asked.

"Well..." Elijah started.

"Never mind. I don't care. Just go. Alaric was my bestest friend and you killed him." I started to cry again.

Before he could say anything else, I pushed him off the tree. I heard a grunt, but didn't look back. "Damon. I don't want to talk about it right now." I shrugged.

"We don't have too." he hugged me. "Ric was my friend too."

My phone started to ring and I picked it up. "Hello?" I answered.

"Want ice cream?" Rebekah asked.

"I thought I told you not to talk to me.." I rolled my eyes.

"You're gonna have to do a lot more then that to get rid of me." I could hear the smirk in her tone. "Plus, I have a surprise for you."

"Fine. I'm bringing Damon, is that fine?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. But the surprise is waiting!" She squealed.

"You sure know how to get me to do things." I sighed as I hung up.

"Let's go." I said as I climbed down the tree.

I can't believe all this is happening on my birthday. Yup, I hate everyone. Especially my siblings. And not even Stefan and Damon remembered.

I walked to the Salvatore house door and opened it. I grabbed my jacket and drove to my house.

I walked in and saw Nik, Elijah, Rebekah, Finn, and Kol all sitting in the kitchen. I immediately turned around. "So I get no 'Hello'?" I hear Alaric's voice say.

I stopped in my tracks and turned around. My eyes widened. I was definitely in shock. "I thought Elijah killed you?" That was all I could manage to get out.

"Yeah, well, he didn't." Alaric smiled.

I ran up to him and hugged him. "Hello." I whispered as I tear fell down my cheek.

I pulled away from the hug and saw a few more faces. I saw Elena, Destiny, Olivia, Caroline, and Bonnie. "Why am I actually here. I thought I made it clear that I wasn't talking to my family, ever again?" I asked.

Nik walked over to me and smiled. "Happy Birthday, Leigh Ann."

I smiled really big, but didn't look at him. "Cheer up love. It was all an act." He smiled.

"So I shoved a coffee table in Destiny's stomache for nothing? Wow. I have, like, a lot of questions." I laughed.

Rebekah, Kol, Finn, Elijah, and Nik all came up and gave me a hug. "You guys are jerks." I said.

"Rage monsters." Nik laughed.

"Total rage monsters." I agreed.

The huh broke apart and I laughed. "Where's my presents!" I yelled.

"Right here!" Caroline shouted.

"Where's Stefan?" I asked.

"Peek-a-boo." I heard Stefan say.

I ran over to the presents and picked one up. "It's from... Stefan." I announced.

I took the wrapping paper off and there was a box. "You got me a box." I glared.

"Open it." Stefan chuckled.

"I knew that.." I whispered

I opened it and saw a book series I have wanted for a while now. "Thanks Stef!" I hugged him.

"No problem." He shrugged.

Next, I picked up a gift from Damon. I unwrapped it and saw a pair of car keys. "These better be to your car, cause that car is boss." I said as I walked out the door. "HOLY CRAP!"

It was an electric blue mustang. Almost as good as Damon's car. I hugged Damon and went back inside.

I opened the rest of the presents. Then I remembered, I was born on Nik's birthday. "Nik! It's Nik's birthday too! I got you a present." I smirked.

"I really don't need-" He started.

"Open it." I interrupted.

He opened it and shook his head. "Well, what is it?" Caroline asked.

"You seriously got me this wretched book." Nik asked.

"Yes. Hope you like it!" I smirked.

Rebekah laughed and so did everyone else. "I take back what I said. When I said I hate my siblings and that I hate being a Mikaelson." I sighed.

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