Chapter Two

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I sat in the same seat for about an hour. I showed up on time, early even, but the man who is supposed to show me around and tell me what to do is late. How ironic.

"Shawn Carter?" A man questioned.

I stood up, "That's me."

"Let me show you around. I apologize for being late. I had to deal with a patient."

"It's cool."

We walked down a hallway to a set of elevators.

"Now on this floor you will see people with illnesses like schizophrenia all the way to suicidal teenagers. Their mental illnesses vary. While you work on my floor you will act professional! If I hear of any misbehavior I will write you up. One write up and your done. Do we understand?"

I nodded my head taking in everything he said.

The elevator stopped on the fifth floor. When we stepped off the elevator I have to admit it wasn't what I expected. I thought I'd be walking into people running around, people trying to kill each other, people fighting. I expected it to be crazy like the people here, but it was the total opposite. Patients were in their rooms and the only people out in the hallway were doctors and nurses.

"Patients are only allowed out of their rooms to walk around two hours out of the day." He explained.

I walked through the hallway with my hands in my pockets.

"Today you aren't working. I am just going to show you around, let you get a feel of the place. Tomorrow is when you start."

"Sounds good."

We walked down many other hallways. He showed me where the patients stay, where they eat, where the bathrooms are. He told me about patients I needed to watch out for.

One in particular I want to meet. Even though he advised me not to. His name is Evan Johnson. He killed four people. Four people! That is crazy! Doc told me that he doesn't talk, shows no emotion, and doesn't get along well with others. I bet he'd get along with me.

"That's it for today Carter."

I chuckled at his use of name. Instead of correcting him I just let it go.

At first I dreaded coming here but with the attractive nurses and entertainment from the crazy people, I think I might like it.

After I rode the elevator down to the first floor I walked out of the hospital.

Once I made it down the road I felt my phone start to vibrate. The caller ID read that it was my mother. I held the phone up to my ear and waited to hear the lecture about my behavior.

"Shawn?" She questioned.

"Aye Ma."

"How you doing baby?"

I pulled the phone away from my ear to make sure it was for real my mom. I can't remember her calling me 'baby' in a long time.

"I'm good, can't complain. What about you?"

"Your father and I are fine."

I didn't ask anything about the old bastard.

"Why did you call?" I asked now annoyed.

"To remind you about your brothers wedding."

"He isn't my brother." I spat.

He really isn't though. My father stepped out on my Ma and got some hoe pregnant. The only reason he comes around my Ma is for money. That's the only reason my father came back too, and she welcomed him with open arms.

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