Chapter Eight

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I woke to the aroma of bacon filling my nostrils. I slipped out of bed and made my way to find Shawn.

I checked his room first, he wasn't there. I walked down the hallway to find his father in an office, he wasn't there either. He has to be somewhere in this house! If he thinks I want to play games this early in the morning he is wrong.

"Shawn!" I called out once I got tired of walking. Of course, he didn't answer. He is a really good hider.

After a few minutes of standing in the same spot I heard something. I followed my sense of hearing which led me to a door. I leaned my ear up against it so I could hear better. I giggled once I realized it was Shawn singing. I quickly swung the door open and caught him mid-lyric.

His face turned light skin for a second which caused me to laugh even harder. After I calmed down I looked at Shawn while he tried his hardest to cover his penis, that caused me to double over into another fit of laughter.

"Bey, what are you doing?" He asked.

"Well, you see." I started, followed by a giggle.

"I woke up to the smell of food so I started looking for you so I could eat. After awhile I heard a noise which turned out to be..." I couldn't finish my sentence before I started laughing all over again.

"You looked like a little boy getting caught masturbating for the first time."

I held my stomach while laughing. I'm sure I have an eight pack now, thanks to Shawn.

"It's not that funny."

That only caused me to laugh again.

Y'all don't even know. Picture Shawn, standing in the middle of the bathroom singing his little heart out, naked.

"I'm going to go so you can do you."


Today is Shawns' brother's wedding. I'm nervous overall. For some reason
he doesn't seem to like his all. He hasn't explained his reasoning but I'm sure it's a good reason.

I slid on the pink and black striped dress then stood in front of the mirror.

I've never seen such a mess before in my life. The dress barley covers anything. It wouldn't make much of a difference if I just went naked.

After realizing I had no other clothes to choose from I just walked out of the room.

I met Shawn's mother in the front foyer. The closer I got the more the dress rose up my thighs. I tugged at the bottom of the dress to pull it down which only exposed my breast. I pulled it up then pulled the bottom down. After the long battle with my dress I decided to give up.

"Oh, honey." She greeted me.

"Sorry, it doesn't cover much."

"It defiantly does not." She said.

She looked me up and down a few times before smiling.

"Shawn got these clothes from a stripper." I admitted.

She laughed before wrapping her arm around my waist.

"You're probably not lying. Come with me sweetheart."

I'm really not though.

We walked up the stairs only to walk up another set of stairs. No wonder Shawn's mother is so thin; this in itself is a workout.

After our hike she walked me into her room.

Everything in her house is so well put together. Nothing against Shawn, but I would have never guessed he came from a family like this.

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