Chapter Twelve

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I woke to the sound of a car door shutting. I looked over and Shawn was holding a McDonald's bag. I sat up rubbing my eyes then stretched, arching my back, "Can you stop and eat?" Shawn asked. I looked over at him and arched my eyebrow, "Goodmorning to you too."

For the past two days Shawn has been griping about everything I do. If I bend over he says, "Stand up." If I touch him he tells me to get off. If I even look at him longer than five seconds he tells me to quit staring. I don't understand.

"Here. I got you a sausage biscuit, hash brown, and an orange juice. I wasn't sure what you ate here but you were sleeping so I didn't want to wake you to ask."

I took the food from him and laid it in my lap. I took a sip of my orange juice and let out a sigh. I hadn't realized how thirty I was. As I took a bite of my hash brown I noticed Shawn staring at me, "What?" I questioned. "Aren't you going to say thank you?" I chuckled, I knew he'd say something. "Well, every time I say or do anything you tell me to stop. I was just trying to avoid having my head bit off."

We drove in silence nothing could be heard but chewing. After I was finished I leaned over to put my garbage in the McDonald's bag in between Shawn's leg. I accidentally touched his leg causing him to nearly jump out of his skin. "What's wrong with you?" I asked. He scoffed before loosening his pants. "I just don't want to be touched." It never bothered him before. We would hold hands, he would hug me, I even slept on top of him. I didn't say anything about it though. I just decided to ignore him to avoid another argument.


We pulled into a campground where a lot of other RV's were. "Why are we here?" I asked, "So we can sleep." I let out a sigh soon shut up by Shawn. We'll just end up fighting over who gets the bed because Shawn refuses to sleep with me now.

Shawn stepped outside so I decided to follow him. The sun is just now setting so I decided to go sit by a tree in the grass so I could watch.

"Hey, are you guys new?" A woman a little darker than myself, asked.

"Yes!" I replied.

"You should come over here. We're getting ready to roast marshmallows."

I looked back at Shawn who was surprisingly already looking at me, "Want to?" I asked. He smiled before shrugging his shoulders, "Whatever you wanna do, Bey."

I stood up and walked over to where they had their fire going. Shawn followed me and sat down beside me. The fire felt good because it was starting to get cool.

"Where are y'all from?" The woman asked.

"California." I answered for Shawn and I both.

"What are y'all doing in Ohio?"

"Road trip." I said.

I watched as a little girl walked out of their RV. She couldn't be any older than four.

"Des, come say hi baby."

She walked over to whom I am assuming is her mother and sat in her lap.

"Hi." She said while sucking on her thumb.

"Hi, what's your name?"


"My names Beyoncé, you can call me Bey."

She smiled before hiding her head in the crook of her mother's neck. The woman laughed before rubbing her back, "Don't act shy, we all know you aren't."

"Will you braid my hair mommy?" Destiny asked.

"Not right now."

"I can braid her hair if you want." I offered.

Destiny sat up and smiled, "She can do it."

The woman stood up and walked into her RV soon returning with a brush, hair bows, and a water bottle.

I braided her hair while Shawn and the woman engaged in conversation.

"Where did you learn how to braid?" Destiny asked.

"I had a little sister and I used to braid her hair all the time. I kind of taught me myself."

Shawn looked back at me and smiled. Of course, I smiled back.

"Do you two plan on having children?"

I looked at Shawn and blushed. We aren't together but of course she doesn't know that.

"I want children someday." I answered.

After about another hour of talking Shawn decided it was time for us to go in.

We walked back to the RV and Shawn grabbed my hand. I turned around shocked by his display of affection.

"What?" I asked.

"You never told me you had a sister."

"It was never relevant in conversation."

"What happened to her?" He asked.

I sighed, "She was five years younger than me, we had different dads. When her dad left our mother he took her with him." A look of sympathy covered his face. I shrugged my shoulders before rubbing my hand over my arm, "Don't feel bad. At least she got to live a good life." Shawn soon embraced me in a hug. Deciding not to ask any questions as to why he's showing so much affection I just wrapped my arms around him.

"Ready to go lay down?"

I nodded my head and followed him into the RV.

After I had been laying down for thirty minutes I thought of something, "Shawn!" Soon he walked in and sat on the edge of the bed, "Yeah?" He put his hand on my thigh and I think I felt butterflies. "Do you want kids?" He scratched his chin before letting out a sigh, "Maybe. I don't really see myself settling down anytime soon though." He said. I nodded my head while playing with my fingers, "What about you, do you want kids?" I nodded my head, "Yes! I want two. Around the same age so they can grow up together."

He looked down smiling then rubbed my stomach. I accidentally let out a moan as he ran his hand over my side.

Damn it, Beyoncé.

He chuckled before patting my thigh, "Shawn, do you think about having sex with me?" I asked. He actually didn't seem phased by my question. I expected him to be shocked. "I have, yes."

"I'm a virgin." I said.

"I thought so."

I laughed at myself, "Wanna sleep with me?"

Shawn's eyes widened, "Not like that, Shawn. I'm not ready for that just yet. I mean like just sleep."

He smiled, "Oh aight, yeah."

I scooted over so he could lay down. I wrapped my leg around his and slug my arm across him before laying my head on his chest.

"Goodnight, baby." Was the last thing I heard before fell asleep.


Expect a shit ton of updates these next few weeks because I'm doing literally nothing until the end of June 😃😊

What do you think was wrong with Jay?

Where do you think Beyoncé's sister is?

Are any of y'all on summer break?

What are y'all doing this summer?

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i love y'all so much 💋

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