Chapter Nine

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I watched as she sways her hips to the rhythm of the music- never missing a beat. She looks as if she's in her element. As I watch her I notice other men that are watching her to. Partly, all eyes are on her. I clench my jaw I've never felt this feeling before. I want to show them what's up but all they're doing is watching her. Jealousy? Surely not. While I was debating my emotions inside, she noticed my lurking. She walked towards me still swaying those heavenly hips.

"Get a grip, Carter." She said followed by a chuckle.

"Carter? That's new."

"I like it, don't you?" She asked.

A small smile crept across my face. I like anything that you do. I decided not to say anything, instead I took her hand that she had reached out. I stood to my feet now towering over her.

"Dance with me?" She questioned.

"I don't dance, Knowles."

She raised her eyebrows in surprise of my name calling, "Knowles? That's new."

"I like it, don't you?" I mocked her from earlier.

She shrugged her shoulders, "Reminds me of my mother."

I frowned before taking her by surprise-swaying my hips, swaying her around with me.

"So you can dance?" She asked.

"I can but I don't."

"Why?" She asked.

"Enough with the questions, Bey. Let's dance."

The beat of the music ended and a slow song began. I wrapped my arms around her waist while hers rested on my shoulders. I stared into her eyes looking for something but I'm not sure what. She's beautiful as any eye can see, her personality is what draws me to her, she is so selfless. I've never found this in a woman before. With women it usually all about sex but for the first time; I want something more.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing. You just look beautiful tonight."

She blushed before chucking her head, "Thank you."

Silence fell upon us again and I was left to my thoughts. Is it possible to have feelings for someone this soon? I don't believe in love at first sight. I barley believe in love period. Maybe I just feel bad for her. That has to be it! I can't bring her into my shitty life. She doesn't deserve that.

"You're an amazing man, Shawn."

I simply smile at her and she places her chin on my shoulder.

I notice my mother walking towards us followed by my ole' man.

"Shawn, on the dance floor? Beyoncé, you are changing him."

Bey chucked her head out of embarrassment.

"Do you care if I dance with my son?"

Bey shook her head, "No. Of course not."

My mom shot her a warm smile before taking ahold of my hands.

"You are more than welcome to dance with my husband, if you would like."

- - -

Shawn's dad beamed down at me giving me an uneasy feeling. I don't know what it is about men but they scare me. All except Shawn. He's different.

"Ms. Knowles, may I have this dance?"

"Y-yes." I stuttered, "Yes." I repeated, feeling more confident that time.

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