Chapter Fourteen

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We drove down the road passing countless trees. I think the only thing I've seen besides trees in the past hour was a gas station. Indiana is nothing but cornfields, trees, and flat land.

"How much longer till we're out of here?" I asked.

Shawn yawned, "About an hour."

"If you're tired, stop and take a nap."

"You wanna drive?" He asked. I chuckled before turning down the radio so we could hear each other better, "I don't know how to drive." I confessed.

He narrowed his eyebrows and looked over at me for only a second, "No body taught you?" I shook my head.

"I'll have to teach you."

I looked at him like he was crazy. How does he plan on teaching me how to drive when I barley know how to walk without tripping?

"I can't drive, Shawn."

"Can't never could till he tried."

I laughed. That's what my mother used to say when she was teaching me to ride a bike.

"I'm not normal like everyone else, Shawn."

"Don't give me that bullshit. You've been fine since you've been around me. You can't pull that card every time you're afraid to do something new." He spat.

I rolled my eyes, "When do you plan on teaching me?"

"Why not now?" He said before pulling off into a field.

"Shawn!" I whined.


He stopped the car, "Come sit on my lap."

"How is this going to work?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"I'm going to let you get used to stirring before I teach you the gears and shit."

I decided against asking anymore questions and just sat in his lap.

"Stirring is the easy part so it shouldn't take you long at all to learn." He said.

He took his hands off the stirring wheel letting me put mine on it before he put this thing in drive.

Turns out, driving a car (or a bus) isn't much different than stirring a bike. We went strait down a field, Shawn started to go faster and faster. Soon, both of us were laughing while singing along to whatever came on the radio.

Shawn's hand rested on my side, squeezing it from time to time.

"Your doing good baby."

"Baby?" I finally decided to question him on his choice of name-calling.

"Yeah, you like it?"

"I mean, yeah. I just haven't had a man call me baby since my dad." I admitted. He chuckled before squeezing my side, "What happened to your pops?" He asked.

"He left my mom when I was little but he still came around until I was about seven. I haven't heard from him since."

"That's shitty."

I chuckled, "Yeah. My mom took it pretty hard but we got through it."

He didn't say anything, we just settled into a comfortable silence. I hummed while admiring all the flatland in front of us.

"You are beautiful Bey."

I blushed at his compliment. I think this is the first time he's called me beautiful since we've known each other.

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