Chapter Fifteen

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The past seven days with Beyoncé have been beyond amazing. I have fallen for a woman, something I told myself I would never do. I can't really change my feelings or stop them, not that I'd choose to anyways. The light in her eyes when we make eye contact, the way she gets goosebumps and shivers every time I touch her, and the way she blushes whenever I give her a compliment let me know she has feelings for me too.

Over these past seven days on the road I've had time to think. I've thought about a lot of things actually; my future, Bey's future, possibly our future together, and what's right. God knows I'm never doing what's considered "right" but I have to for Bey. Hiding her would only cage her in from the world, which she loves so much. That wouldn't be fair to her even though she would say, "As long as I'm free and with you, I'm fine." I know her better than she knows herself. She'd eventually become miserable. There really wouldn't be a difference between her being in the hospital or staying with me. So I have to let them have her, but not for long. I'm going to work my ass off to prove to them she doesn't have a mental disorder. I mean yeah, she lacks social skills and she's a little different, but who isn't? I can't really blame her for the way she is and I wouldn't change her for the world.

"Here's breakfast."

Bey sat a plate of chocolate donuts and licorice in between us on the console. I chuckled before picking up a donut, "Thanks ma." I said. She smiled before picking one up herself.

After I finished my donut I could hear snickers and giggles coming from Bey. I looked over and she was looking at me, "What?" I asked. That only caused her to laugh a little louder. I shook my head waiting for her to answer me.

"You look like you just dove into an ass."

I chuckled at her cursing, sounding like a child cursing for the first time. Since this is all shits and giggles to her I decided to play with her a bit, "Lick it off." I said. I looked over to see her reaction and as I expected, her jaw was sitting on her lap and her eyes were widened causing wrinkles to appear on her forehead.

"What? You afraid to lick my lips?" I asked.

She stayed silent.

"Better close your mouth before you catch flies, ma."

Before I could look over I felt a warm wet feeling on my chin, and to my fucking surprise it was Bey licking the icing off my face.

My breath got hitched in my throat and my jeans tightened around my crotch area. Damn this woman, she doesn't play any games.

She licked around my lips, down my chin, on my cheek. Before she was finished my member was begging to be let free. She licked over my bottom lip before pulling it between her teeth and letting go, then she licked over my top lip. I had to pull over off the road before I killed us both. By the time I had us parked Bey was already sucking on my bottom lip.

I pulled Bey over onto my lap and kissed her long and hard, something I've been wanting to do for awhile. She bit my lip asking for entrance which I allowed. Our tongues danced together while I ran my hands up and down her curves. She held my head trying to take control of the kiss which I had no problem allowing. She bit my lip before slowly pulling away.

I think we were both left speechless.

"Your lips are so soft." She said before gently touching my bottom lip with her index finger. I didn't say anything I just admired watching her admire me.

Her ran her finger on every facial feature I have. From my eyebrows down to my jaw line.

"You are so beautiful." She said.

Something about the way she said it made my stomach feel mushy and shit. I have never received this feeling from a female before, and I have never been called beautiful either. But the way she finds beauty in things is astonishing, it honestly is. So hearing her say those four words is deeper than what she sees on the outside.

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