2: School

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a/n surprise! early chapter because I got some motivation :O This one's considerably longer, but mostly just a filler. enjoy!

TW/CWs: Brief mention of bullying

Ranboo was startled awake by the sound of his mom banging on his bedroom door.

"Ranboo? Are you up yet? You're gonna be late for school!" Ranboo's eyes widened as he checked the time on his phone, which was only at 5%. He only had fifteen minutes to get ready. He stumbled over to his closet still half asleep and quickly got changed into a red hoodie and black jeans. Ranboo then went into the bathroom and quickly brushed his teeth and hair.

He grimaced as he looked at the reflection of his green and red eyes. He had always hated his heterochromia, and ever since he could remember he had been bullied because of it. Ranboo only hoped that this school was different. He grabbed his backpack and his phone before heading downstairs. He decided he didn't have time for breakfast and slipped his shoes on before heading out the door to walk to school.

It was a quick 5 minute walk, but Ranboo was still going to be a few minutes late. He walked up to the school and quickly made his way inside the office since he had no idea where he was supposed to go for class. He opened the door slowly and peeked inside, seeing a receptionist with brown and white split hair working at her computer. She saw Ranboo and motioned for him to come inside. Ranboo obliged and walked in.

"Hello," the receptionist said with a smile, "I'm Ms. Puffy, what can I help you with?"

"Uh, I'm Ranboo Beloved, I'm new," Ranboo said, and Ms. Puffy nodded.

"Ah yes, the new student. Here is your schedule, your first class starts in a minute," she said, handing him a piece of paper.

"Thank you Ms. Puffy," Ranboo said, heading out of the office.

"Anytime! Have a good day!" Ms. Puffy said, before turning back to her computer.

Luckily, Ranboo's first class wasn't too far from the office, and he found it easily. He walked inside, and it became very clear he was late. The teacher stopped talking to the class and noticed Ranboo.

"Are you the new student?" the teacher asked.

"Um yeah," Ranboo said nervously. It seemed the entire class was looking at him.

"Great! I'm Mr. Halo. Class, this is our new student who transferred here from America, Ranboo Beloved," Mr. Halo said, and the class answered with some half-hearted 'hi's and 'hello's.

"You'll be sitting in the back row next to Toby Underscore and Wilbur Minecraft," Ranboo nodded and made his way to the back of the class. He managed to hear some of his classmates whispering about him;

"...so tall..."


"...jeez he looks so lanky..."

"...what's up with his eyes?..."

Ranboo tried to ignore them as he sat down. He was used to this by now. The boy on his right, (Toby? Or Wilbur? Ranboo couldn't remember which was which) smiled at him. Ranboo smiled back nervously. He could barely see the boy's greyish green eyes through a mop of fluffy brown hair.

"Hi, I'm Toby, but you can call me Tubbo," the boy said. Ranboo was surprised he was being so nice. Usually, people weren't this friendly to him, considering his weird eyes, freakish height, and shy mannerism.

"I'm Ranboo, it's nice to meet you Tubbo," Ranboo said, grinning.

Words: 560

a/n so here's chapter two! chapter three will likely be posted tomorrow

please eat, drink, take your meds, and go to sleep if it's late. ily guys, stay safe :]

pspspspspspsps hey beeduo enjoyers maybe leave a vote or a comment? no pressure though :)

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