18: Head and Heart

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the support rn is insane, thank you guys so much :D

this chapter is kind of weird, I wrote myself into a corner and I don't really like how it came out :/

(also sorry for not updating for like seven days ahhahaha)

TW/CWs: intrusive thoughts, very very brief mention of injuries


Ranboo had been sitting on the bench for a little while, alone with his thoughts and regrets.

I'm so stupid.

Why did I leave?

No, I'm being annoying I don't need to-

He hugged his knees closer to his chest and squeezed their eyes shut, trying to block out their thoughts out to no avail

"Uh, you ok mate?" an unfamiliar voice asked. Ranboo lifted his head, curiosity getting the better of him. He was met with the sight of two people. One of the people was a man with platinum blonde hair who was wearing a grey shirt underneath a dark green zip-up and black sweatpants. The other person accompanying him was strangely familiar with dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes-


"Tommy?" Ranboo questioned, recognizing the young man. Tommy's eyes widened in surprise.

"Ranboo?" the teen said, stepping forwards.

"What are you doing here?" Ranboo asked.

"We're going for a walk," the blonde replied. Tommy noticed Ranboo's injuries and his eyes narrowed.

"What happened?" he asked, pointing at the scratches on Ranboo's face.

"I fell," Ranboo lied. Tommy looked unconvinced but didn't press Ranboo for an answer. Ranboo opened their mouth to ask a question, but Tommy answered before a sound could leave the taller boy's mouth.

"This is my dad, by the way," Tommy said, gesturing towards the man, who grinned slightly. Ranboo nodded.

"Hello Mr. Minecraft," Ranboo said, and the man laughed.

"You can call me Philza, or Phil," he said, his smile warm.

"It's nice to meet you," Ranboo said, standing up from his seat on the bench. The three of them stood awkwardly in silence, not knowing what to say next.

"So," Philza began slowly, "What are you doing out here? You don't have to answer if you don't want to," the man said kindly. Ranboo took a shaky breath in, deciding not to tell them everything yet.

"I- well, my house isn't exactly the safest at the moment," Ranboo said quietly, looking at the duo nervously. The man's eyes immediately softened, and Tommy looked alarmed.

"It's ok though!" Ranboo said frantically, "I don't need any help, I just needed a short break, that's all. I'm sure he won't be as mad when I-"

"Who's 'he'?" Tommy interrupted. The blonde's normally playful face was shrouded with concern, and maybe a hint of anger. Ranboo paused, surprised that Tommy cared.

No, he doesn't care.

Why would he?

He'll just make fun of me.

He's going to think I'm weak.

"...Ranboo?" Tommy's delicate voice broke through Ranboo's thoughts. Ranboo anxiously raised his multi-colored eyes to meet Tommy's and was taken aback when he saw the blonde's eyes were filled with sympathy.

(DISCONTINUED)American Boy || Platonic Beeduo Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now