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I watched the cars fly by, as I tried to ignore the fact my father was still with that same. I could hear her moan. What made my stomach turn. When you'd freaked out by what you saw. I confronted him by walking up to the paddock club. 'You can't be fudging serious!' You snapped. Your dad removed his hand and hid it in his pocket. 'You're a filthy man! You know that!' I freaked out. My father lowered his hand. 'Keep it down. A bit.' He whispered.
'A bit?!' I growled. 'Tell that human to keep it down. Besides? Who the heck is she?' I said. My father hung his head. 'Sweetheart please-' 'that's why you told you needed to go. On a sort of business trip. But you lied. Because you hooked up with her!' I growled. 'And how old is she? 30?' You asked. '27.'  My dad replied. My mouth fell open. 'Oh hell no!' I said.
I shot her a gaze. 'And then you call me a sl*t.' I said quite emotionally and looked back at my father. 'I'm going to tell mom. And maybe. I don't even want to go back to England.' I told him. 'You told  me nothing but lies.' I said.
'Don't say that honey. I need to move on and so do you.' My father said trying to calm the situation down. Except it didn't. 'Fudge this, I'm done.' I replied. 'I should have called the cops on you.' I said while turning around and walking away. 'Coke back YOU LITTLE' he didn't finish his sentence by some reason. Oh well who cares?

When they were done, I asked myself what did I do wrong? Why did i get all the family trouble? I returned to the paddock seeing not only my dad but also Zak talking to each other. I looked down and walked pass them. But without noticing I bumped into the wrong person. The guy held me up before I could hit the ground. 'Great reflexes.' I muttered. The guy lifted his eyebrow up. 'I wanted to say the same.' He said.

It was the first driver of Red Bull who saved the day for me. 'Maybe next time look forward.' He laughed.
Max followed my gaze. 'Everything alright?' He asked me. I nodded. 'Yeah why not?'
'Because my girlfriend heard you have a fight with your dad.' Max immediately responded.
'Oh she did?' I asked. 'Yeah. You sure you are ok?' He asked me again. 'I'm fine.' I replied.
'Well maybe tell your friend about.' Max ment Lando.  'Maybe.' I said.
'Maybe. Isn't good enough. You should talk to someone.' He said.
'Well... I don't want my troubles to be someone else's concern.'

Max shook his head. 'It's about You.' He said. He's right maybe I should tell him or maybe I should call my mom.
'Maybe I should call my mom first.' I told him. I grabbed my phone realising it's battery just passed away. 'Can I use yours?' I asked as I show him my phone. 'Sure.' He said as he handed it to me. I took it and typed in her number.

Differences  [Lando Norris] (finished) Where stories live. Discover now