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After I freed the company from a fraud, I made my way back to the airport. To catch a plane to Marseille. Van Daal had given me new opportunities for my career. He even added me on LinkedIn. When I arrived at the airport I was dumbfounded when I saw my father. My heart beat dropped. When he waved at me. 'You look great.' He said as he walked over to me. He wanted to give me a hug but I dodged him. 'Don't hug me.' I barked at him.
'Alice I'm still your father.' He corrected me.
'If you were you wouldn't have ghosted me, for two years!' I shouted. I had drawn everyone's attention in the airport. 'I've given you this jacket and a job, this is how you thank me?' He said angrily. My father turned his head towards his security guards. He snapped his finger, and they grabbed me and pulled me away from him. 'You and I are going to have a conversation together.' He said as he followed us from behind. They brought me to a huge suburban. They forced me to sit down. As my father got inside and sat in front of me. 'We're going for a ride.' My father than said as he banged three times against the door with his elbow and the car started driving. 'No we're not.' I growled.
'I need to catch my flight.'
'Then too bad.' I rolled with my eyes and sat back. And shot an angry gaze at one of the bodyguards. 'You now have a job, thanks to me.' My father crossed his leg and allowed himself a glass of champagne. 'You're an asshole.'
My father grunted, he took a careful sip from his glass. And put it back down. 'I need you, to play an important part in my company.'
He lost his patience, when I decided not to listen to him. When my father wanted to put the glass to his lips I smacked it out of his hand and the champagne tumbled onto the floor and the glass broke. My father looked down and then tilted his head. 'That was very expensive.' He then looked at me. He made a fist out of his hand and punched me in the face. I started to cry as he gave me another one. 'You little ungrateful bitch.' One of the body guards gulped when my father wanted to hit me again. He ordered them to hold me, but he instead pushed my father back and shouted to stop the car. I opened the door and fled out of the car onto the busy streets of London. I cried as I heard my father fight with the bodyguard. I didn't know where I was, I found myself in the middle of the road a bus honked at me. And I waited for it to pass and ran over to the sidewalk. It was all rainy and I made my way to a small alleyway. Where I found a small pub. When I entered a group of men looked up at me. I wandered to the bar. And asked for a bathroom. The bartender was cleaning a glass and he pointed at the stairs going down. I ran downstairs and found myself the bathroom. I stared into the mirror and made some tissues wet and brought it to my face. I wiped the blood off my face. And I felt the ground underneath me collapse. I sat into the corner of the bathroom. I buried my face into my hands. I cried all night, begging for help. I searched for my phone in my pocket and called Lando. He answered the phone.
'Are you on your plane yet?' He asked confusedly.
'Lando you need to come and get me.' I cried.
'What's wrong?'
'Please help me.' I begged Lando.
'Alice tell me what's wrong.'
'My father.' I sniffed.
I heard a man shout and I panicked. 'I need to go.' I said as I stopped the call. And made my way upstairs. I peaked into the room. Seeing one of my father's bodyguards. The bartender shook his head, while the other men in the pub also pretended I wasn't here. The body guard left angrily. I took a deep breath out of relief.
I thanked the bartender and went outside. I needed to get to the police station. I realised I found myself in the most touristic spot in London. My bruised face caught the attention of some Chinese tourists. They snapped picture at me, I hurried through the crowd. And found myself running down to the subway. I crawled over a fence. 'Ay! Stop it!' A security officer shouted. I hurried into the metro that just had arrived at it's station. I hid behind a group of friends who were having long conversations with each other.

Differences  [Lando Norris] (finished) Where stories live. Discover now