twenty two

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Stefan and Nik were sat at the bar drinking away Nik's sorrows, the liquor doing very little to affect them but it was nice to have something to take the edge off

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Stefan and Nik were sat at the bar drinking away Nik's sorrows, the liquor doing very little to affect them but it was nice to have something to take the edge off.

"They're jealous. Your family wants you dead because they can never be what you are."

"What? An abomination."

"No... a king. Ah?" The two began to laugh as they continued to drink their shots.

"Look at us. Two sad orphans." Nik said to which Stefan murmured in agreeance.

Stefan looked over to where Saga and Rebekah were speaking to a man, both stood effortlessly gorgeous. This prompted Niklaus to reveal to Stefan that his sister has a crush on the Salvatore. "But I should warn you, Rebekah doesn't do anything half-speed. That includes falling in love, so just be careful. She's totally mad." this caused the two men to laugh.

"I appreciate the advice." Stefan joked.

"And when the point comes where she inevitably leaves you, she can't help it. It's just who she is, don't let your heart do anything stupid."

"I think you've had enough now darling, don't you? You're making silly comments again." Saga playfully chastised as she leaned against Nik's back and reached her hand around to place it on his chest.

"You know what? You're a good friend, Nik. I'm glad I met you." Stefan said raising his glass to cheers with Nik.

The friendship between Nik and Stefan continued to grow, along with the relationship between Stefan and Rebekah. Stefan and Rebekah were currently dancing to the soft jazz playing in the bar as Saga and Nik sat cuddled together in the booth that all 4 of them had grown accustomed to.

They were content sat together when Nik suddenly grew tense and tightened his grip around Saga. This led to her being confused as to what had just put him on edge, as she opened her mouth to as him the police bust through the door.

As the door opened and the bullets were fired into the bar, Nik pulled Saga up from their seats and looked to where Stefan and Rebekah just stood. He pulled Saga through the bar with her behind him to protect her from the bullets.

"Rebekah? Come on, we gotta go, sweetheart."

Rebekah stood from behind her covering as Nik ushered Rebekah and Saga to rush to the exit while Nik stayed behind to talk to Stefan, who went to pick up Rebekah's necklace she had dropped.

The trio stood where they had stashed a getaway car in preparation for when Mikael would finally turn up.

"Hurry up, Rebekah. Let's go."

"He'll be here any second." Rebekah said not leaving her spot while she stood waiting for Stefan.

Neither her nor Saga had heard Nik tell Stefan to forget about them all.

"Do you wanna die? We've been found. We need to move."

"Not without Stefan."

"Stefan's not coming. We have to disappear. He'll draw too much attention. Let him go."

"Niklaus, what have you done?" Saga asked from her place beside the car.

"What did you do?" Rebekah asked when Nik didn't answer.

"Come on. We don't have time for one of your tantrums."

"I don't want to run anymore, Nik. All we do is run. I want to be with Stefan."

"Fine. Then choose. Him or us?"

Rebekah said nothing but blink away her unshed tears.

"That's what I thought. Get in the truck. Let's go."

"Goodbye, Nik." Rebekah finally said as she made up her mind.

Nik looked at his wife who wore a grave expression and shook her head as Nik's face turned sour. He sped over to Rebekah, dagger in hand that he kept in case his remaining sibling acted up. The sound of Rebekah gasping had Saga placing a hand over her mouth as she turned away from the girl she loved as her own blood began to desiccate.

Nik pulled Rebekah's body into his arms and placed her in the coffins he stored for them. Her's laid next to Finn and Kol's. Another reminder of how much her husband lacks trust in his own flesh and blood. The idea burning a hole into her mind as they locked the warehouse and drove away from the memories that the city held. They wouldn't be back in Chicago for a long time.

sorry for not updating for a month. my depression has been getting worse and i just needed a break :)

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