Chapter 10

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  500 reads, and 41 votes. I would like to say thank you! I really hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Love you all to bits ❤
⚠️Graphic Character Death Scene⚠️
      It was after my classes, so I made my way to the fountain. It was starting to get a bit chiller due to the autumn season that will be arriving anytime soon. I brought a light brown sweater to keep me warm.

       As I finally reached the fountain, I was expecting both Nanami and Komaeda to be waiting for me. But, for some reason it was only Komaeda.  As I reached closer, I realized his eyes were closed. 'Was he sleeping?'

      I reached the bench, and he was indeed sleeping. Quietly, I sit down next to him. Something I noticed when I glanced over to Komaeda, was te dark circles under his eyes and...were those tear marks? Has he been crying?

      A few minutes have passed, and there was still no sign of Nanami. I checked my phone and saw a notification.

      "Hey, Hey, Hinata. I won't be able to walk with you two tonight; I have to stay for a little while longer. You guys go on ahead without me." The message read. 'Huh, you tell me this now? After you made us wait for this long?' I thought to myself.

      All of the sudden, from the corner of my eyes, Komaeda started to lean my direction, falling onto my lap. I flinch slightly, blushing hard, as I quickly look to the left and right of me, hoping no one is seeing this.

       I look down at the sleeping boy; He looks so exhausted...Why was he crying? Was it...because of me? When I made that insensitive comment? I frown.

      A cool breeze than whisked it's way around us, sending a slight chill around my body. One thing I noticed was, Komaeda wasn't wearing his green sweater today. He told me he usually doesn't go anywhere without it, on normal occasions.

      I can tell he was cold, from the way the goosebumps on his skin raised. Carefully taking off my sweater, I lightly cover Komaeda with it, caressing his soft white locks.

      "Don't want you catching a cold now." I whispered and smiled. 'I wonder how long he was sitting here waiting for us...'

       It felt like something took over I wasn't thinking straight. My head brought itself lower, as I moved the white locks from Komaeda's face, pressing my lips against his temple.


      I felt a cold breeze brush against my skin, causing me to shiver. My eyes flutter, partially opening; My vision was a bit blurry, but by the looks of it, I was still outside.

      Something was gently pulled over me, keeping me warm, as my head was cushioned by something...or someone. My eyes slowly move down. 'I recognize this sweater...It's Hinata-kun's!'

       As I was about to jump up, and continuously apologize, that I messed up his outfit because of my disgusting face...A pair of lips touched my temple. Out of pure shock, I slowly sit up.

      We both stare at eachother with wide eyes. After a long few minutes, Hinata-kun broke the heavy silence, stumbling over his words.

     "K-Komaeda! We-Were you... a-awake this entire time!?" He stuttered, his whole face was as red as a tomato at this point. I was still dumbfounded, those hopeful disgusting face? I couldn't believe it. I thought back to that romance book I took from him a long while ago; The girl kissed the boy on his cheek, which then made them an official couple.

In the Name of Hope {KomaHina}Where stories live. Discover now