Chapter 31

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        Why would hair be down the kitchen sink? I stood there in pure confusion. Did someone wash their hair or something in our sink?

        Because of course, this couldn't have been me, nor Nagito who has the whitest hair here...

        As I held the tool with the hair wrapped around it, my mind begins to wander; Thinking about all the people I brought into our home who supposedly had purple hair...But all I could think about was one person.

        But, according to Nagito, she wasn't here for that long. So, there was no way she went and washed her hair or something in our kitchen sink. That was even her first appearance in our house, so she also couldn't have done it during other occasions.

         I...I really don't know why, but I think I might place this in a plastic bag...

        I grabbed a large bag, and placed the entire tool with the hair tightly wrapped around it, inside.

        .  .  .

        What was the actual reason why I kept that? Surely I already know that Nagito wouldn't have-

        . .There I go talking like that again...

           Nagito already told me he is no killer...That's all the reassurance I need from him...Right? The questioning went well with him..So there really isn't a reason I should be...Suspicious of him...Right?

           I organized everything back to how it should be, and started up the stairs. Nagito told me that he called a cab for Tsumiki...Which should be saved in his call log right now.

           Pushing the door open, I stepped into our bedroom. Surprisingly, Nagito was still in the shower; He usually doesn't take this long.

          I flop on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. I'm so desperate to find this killer...I...I don't want to have these random thoughts of Nagito...H-Hurting another.

          "Hajime-kun ♡"

          "Good Morning Hajime-kun~"

           "Ah, welcome home! How was work, my love?"

            "Hajime-kun, you're sick; I'm not letting you go into work in this state. Stay in bed while I take care of you darling~"


           "I love you."

           My eyes fell heavy as everything around me began to dim. My tiredness finally caught up to me, as I finally drifted back to sleep.



           "H a j i m e-k u n."

           "H  a  J  i  m  E  -  k  u  n ~"
           "C o m e   o n   H a j i m e-k u n
T e h e h e...W a k e  u p...W a k e  
u p...W a k e  u p!"
           My eyes slowly flutter open...And how surprised I was to see Nagito sitting on top of me. Everything was still a blur, still being drunk from sleep.

          During my blurry state. I could hear Nagito breathing quite heavy...And shaking quite frantically on top of me. He seemed like he was also pointing something at me.

          I squint my eyes causing them to finally adjust...

          ...How I wish to peacefully fall back asleep again...

In the Name of Hope {KomaHina}Where stories live. Discover now