Chapter 14

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        ⚠️ Minor Sexual Content ⚠️    
     "B-But...When? A-And...And how!?" I said, beginning to freak out. That killer was just here with us? In the same building?

       In the same room?

       "We are not sure ourselves...We should probably look around in case they left anything else behind" Saihara said. I could tell he was trying to keep calm, but I can see straight through that mask of his.

      But as for Kirigiri, I could never understand some of her expressions; I could never understand what she's thinking.

       Hehe, kinda reminds me of someone.

       "Come on, let's continue investigating. I have this sudden feeling. . .That we might actually find something in this case." She encouraged. She then walked to the other side of the room where the body laid.

       •{Mysterious book that has appeared out of nowhere, has been added to the truth bullet section of your note book.}•

       {•The four words that were highlighted in the book; 'Marry And Live East.' Has been added to the truth bullet section for your notebook.}•

       That reminds me.

       "Hey, Kirigiri. Were you able to finish the autopsy?" I asked.

       "Yes. I finished it before we went out for questioning." She replied, as she grabbed her ponytail, and gently brushed it over to her other shoulder. Wow, she's incredible...How did she do it so quick in such a small time frame.

        We both watched her pull out her note book. "Follow me." She beckoned. We followed behind her, re-introducing us to the horrible horror in front of us once again. Kirigiri gave the autopsy to Saihara, as I peeked over his shoulder, reading the information that was written on the paper.

       Name: Hiraoka, Masahiko.

       Sex: Male

       Age: 21

       Date of Birth: 08/18/2000

       Education: College Student attending the Reserve Department.

      Time of death: This afternoon, around 4PM.

      Cause of death: Supposedly from blood loss; A slit throat.
      Saihara tilted his head, and handed me her book. He then crouched down next to the body inspecting the corpse's throat.

      "Are you able to see as to why I put 'Supposedly' in that section." Kirigiri asked. Saihara simply nodded.

      "Is there anymore surgical gloves in that box over there, Hinata?" Saihara asked me, pointing towards the small box on the table. I walk over to the box, grabbing two pairs of surgical gloves, then walked back to the group. "Will you not be joining us, Hinata?" Saihara said, chuckling; Knowing damn well that I am still too squeamish to perform those types of procedures.

      I shot him a tiny glare, but bit my tongue; 'I don't want to get into yet another confrontation.' I thought to myself. Fighting the urge, I strained a smile. "I'll just sit back and record any important information." I said. Saihara probably easily noticed the salt in my tone, as that smile of his faltered.

      He cleared his throat awkwardly, and began explaining.

      "A-Ah, I think I understand what you mean Kirigiri. It is true that the slit in his neck was fatal...But the way his neck is angled...Something just seems a bit off." I watch as Saihara began to lightly graze his index and middle fingers over the suspicious area.

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